Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Temp was 50 last night. Sun is up and spreading across the field, across the road from the house.

Forecast is saying a 20% chance of scattered showers tonight ... not much and gone before daybreak. Will have to talk to DS about raking the orchard grass I tedded out to see if he is going to get it sq baled today. Otherwise, might be better to leave it to rake on Monday morning... just in case. Expect we will talk here shortly to get some things coordinated and get the tractor moved to doug's farm.

Need to eat some breakfast, been lollygagging around enough, and then get started on something on the list.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
and most of the tomatoes are either very green
I read somewhere that you can pull out or cut off the tomato bushes and hang them upside down on the porch or in the basement and the tomatoes will ripen. Haven't tried it since I did all my gardening in southern California but read it in a gardening magazine for cold climates.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Monday late night. Been busy 2 days.
COLD today... sunny but windy... 46 up to 62... compared to the balmy 77 yesterday it felt like "frigid" ... but that is because the wind was going right through you.
Sunday I got things in the car for work... Got on the tractor and moved it to doug's farm. Spent 3 hours raking the tedded out hay (6 acres DS said) and the 4 acres of patchy thin grassy hay on the other side of this big field of multiple strips of crops and hay. Then DS ran me back up to get my car so I could go to work...
Came home right near dark and he and a guy that helps some, were taking a wagon load of sq bales to DS's green barn up the road... I stopped... and then he needed a ride back to get the truck and 2 more FULL wagons of sq bales... from this 6 acre piece I had raked earlier... and he hooked them up tandem and took them up the road to the barn... then hooked the 3rd wagon to the back and pulled them all into/and through, the barn. He got the last one inside the sliding barn doors, then we unhooked the back wagon since there is quite a few feet between it and the middle wagon (long wagon tongue) and backed the truck and the other 2 wagons back a little bit...up tight to the 3rd wagon..... so that they would all fit in and be able to slide the front door shut too.... Over 550 bales from the 6 acres of that real nice fine newly planted orchard grass hay.... More than he thought....
He also had rolled some of the hay... did all that I had raked at Deb's on Thursday when he was gone... and rolled some of a couple of the other fields and then left some for more sq baling of "just grass hay" that he has some sales for...
I finally got home at 9 or so I guess...he called me at about 11... he had to go to his father's again... that makes 4 times this week.... it is getting to him with his father's moods and "neediness" and then his father gets verbally abusive... has always had a sarcastic and somewhat nasty attitude to DS.... tells him to get out and then gets apologetic... I think there is some senility going on there, but he has always been very demeaning to others... one reason I got divorced.... couldn't take the put downs and mental and verbal abuse.... He said he left the one wagon out with some grass hay on it, but the stars were out so the 20% chance looked to stay west of here....

Famous last words.... Got up and it had rained a shower... less than a tenth... but DS said hay was wet on top... there were some puddles in a couple spots... but when he went to check the one field in the subdivision... it hadn't rained there... It was cloudy and WINDY and chilly this morning... He said not to be in a rush to rake the other "field" of orchard grass at doug's ... I did not tedd it.... and it has some weeds in part of it so he mowed it after I had tedded out the "new section", so that I would not rake them together... Plans were to go rake it then take the tractor and rake down to dennis's field 4 miles down the road. I got the samples packed, got bottles in the car, and about 11 or so headed to doug's. The sun was "in and out" and it was WINDY... and COLD..... compared to the day before.
I wore a long sleeved pullover, a regular sweatshirt... and put on the lightweight hooded sweatshirt... ball cap and headphones... and GLOVES.... and raked the other 5+ acres of OG.... then went and filled tractor with fuel on the way out of the farm and went down the hill and raked about 1/2 of the field there that he had cut... 10 or 12 rows mowed... so 5 (or 6) windrows of raked hay. It was totally dry... I don't think they got any... or very very little out of the overnight shower. DS came and got me just as I got done at 2:45... took me to the car and I had to go home and get my boots as everything else I had put in the car but forgot the boots... and I left for testing....
Stopped and dropped the samples at UPS... stopped at the "Sunday farm" I tested and created a report they wanted, in their computer... had all the specs from a report I had on my work computer... then ran by the PO and dropped a letter, and headed to test..... 80 miles north... Got there at 5:30... set up and started milking around 6:15... done at 8... meters had to run through wash cycles and I finally left there after talking to the farmer some... about 9:30... ran into a couple places of night construction/1 lane stuff coming down so slower going... stopped at the barn about 11:15 since I saw lights... DS was getting a few more things finished up since he has a dr appt Tuesday.... and it will be a long day since it isn't until 10:15... I will be driving... we will leave by 8.
He got some other stuff moved around at the barn and the "girl" that went to the PBR with us for my birthday, came and helped him get the plastic liner all in the pit and things ready for chopping... and another neighbor came and helped him get the sides on the wagon that they had taken off for that "mock convention" that the W&L students did several months back... that we pulled wagons and trailers for.......

Sooooo, he can do some more sq baling of the og I raked today... and whatever grass hay he can fit to fill up the other 4 or 5 wagons he has.... do what he can when we get home from the dr.... and the rest will wait until we are done with the corn chopping....
I have to test Wed morning early... then get home by 8 or so... and they should hopefully be chopping by 9 or so.... and I will spend the better part of the day in the tractor back and forth driving on the chopped corn to pack it so it will ferment/ensile.....

I just ate since I was hungry, getting home so late... will go to bed and get up at 6:30.... to be ready to pick him up at 8... he is tired tonight... and it shows. Said he had to take a break for an hour or so... head got hurting and dizzy... and it is in part that we have been pushing the last 2 1/2 days ... since he was gone Thurs/Fri to the car parts flea market... and Sat to deliver the meat and the stock yard... Oh yeah, he managed to pick up 6 more steers/bulls so now has 16 bought ones....

They are calling for the first snow in WV in the next 2 days... 1 inch or less... but the heifers are going to have to come out of WV as they are about out of grass... as soon as we get our corn and hay done the next couple days...

Yikes.. it is after 1... going to bed....