Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Wow - I had no idea cows milk that much (in weight) I guess I never thought about it.
I think we only have 2 or 3 dairies left in the county. The one near me, and across the street from
where I taught herding for 20+ yrs has expanded what he does to keep the dairy going. He's added
trucking and also has a compost facility where he takes in whatever "yard" waste (you pay to dump off) and
sells the resulting compost and mulch. It's pretty brilliant as most often there is a line to get in to drop or
pick up/buy.
Here's a link to his dairy.....


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
and they sold like 10 or 20 of the "lame group" to a guy... he was going to take them home and m ilk them... not for cull cows... and he probably paid cull price which right now is about 1800-2000/head.
He got a great deal since he can use a good dairy and add great milking replacements to his herd.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
In the house for some lunch. DS called earler, and wanted to know if I needed any help to get out or up to snyder's... so I said it would be good if he could drive up to the nurse cow barn and make a "path" to get in easier... but the forester is absolutely wonderful about getting around in the snow.

So he came by the house, I was out cleaning off the car, and came in and out the driveway so the "plowed snow" from the road was broken down a little. Then He went down the road, with a roll of hay, and went into snyder's... the gate opens in and it is a b@#%h to get the gate opened there, with any snow since it drags the ground... STUPID owner put it up so it sat on the ground instead of setting it up 4 inches or so.... anyway... he went in and I followed him up and he drove over the snow, to pack some so I could get around in front of the barn and then went and put the roll of hay in there just so that he can stay ahead with the wet mud coming with the melting.
I went in and put grain in for the cow with the graft calf... she is okay when I stand there but when I went to put grain in the other side... and was doing other stuff, she kept butting the calf away... she is never going to mother this calf. :(:(:duc:duc The calf did get on her and nurse out all 4 quarters.... but she is not bonded to it and I doubt she will ever get better about it. So, for now, will just deal with her... At least she is out of the mud and mess at his barn and has the ability to go in and out into the lot so not like she is locked in a 10x10 "stall/pen".

I then fed the jersey, her 2 calves and the other 2 that come in for grain... Betsy is going to get "more than her share" but for a couple days I can deal with it. As soon as the weather decides what it is going to do, I will start "kicking her out", again, out of the barn lot, loose into the pasture and the calves can come and go. The other cow went into that pen after I opened up the gates and put a sq bale of hay outside for them to eat out there and not have so much manure and mess in the barn. The jersey graft calf went back on the black cow... then nosed around and went over and the jersey stood right there and it nursed her some. Of course she does not have much milk since her 2 calves still nurse her... and she isn't making alot of milk anyway... but the bought graft calf went right to town. Then it went back over on "it's adoptive mother"... she was too busy with her head in the bunk cleaning up grain... Hopefully they will both go out and eat the hay, and maybe the black cow will be a bit more quiet and calmer since she is not "alone"... and maybe the graft calf will be able to sneak on her some. I am hoping that after a few days, I will be able to let her go out loose also, and then will come in when I go up there, wanting grain. If that is what it takes to get her to tolerate the calf for a little bit, then that is what I will do. She does like her grain... so maybe.:fl:fl:fl Betsy (jersey) comes to the barn when out loose, even with her calves out there all the time since they can go out the creep gate; as soon as she sees the car come in there... she is a grain hog and that is okay... I will do whatever it takes to keep her happy and the calves still getting to nurse her some, for the next few months at least. Just hoping she settled to the angus bull when he bred her last month... really want to see how she will do starting out a new lactation, and all that I can control from start to finish. Get her going right, and have a good nurse cow again.

So, finished up and came home. I backed up a couple times to pack down some of the snow so I can get in and out easier here... granted it makes the packed stuff slower to melt, but I think that if it does much raining like they predict, it will all melt pretty fast. I got the snow off the hood and the windshield of the 2 wd truck that had the flat, parked across the driveway, as he wants to come blow up the tire and get it moved out. That is where he comes and goes to get the hay across from my house to feed grants and snyders pastures.

He said he was going to take a roll of hay to the bred heifers that are still out at pasture... should have been home here by the holidays like the ones we just got moved and preg checked... because they were due to start calving from mid-feb.... but again, here we are with things not getting done like they should....
So he gets in there and the snow is deep, but he got in, and the heifers start coming down through all the gates ... they were up in sections 4 & 5 because the owner had finally gotten the fences done in Dec.... and DS wanted them to be able to eat some of the "stockpiled" grass... which was fine, but there is a limit to utilizing things... and so he keeps wondering why the one was coming slow... and guess what.. one of the heifers has already calved... she was coming slow as the little calf was following her all the way down. She was the first one due... and mid Feb was not out of reason... so he said the heifer was mothering it real good... he unrolled some of the hay so the calf would have a place to lay in the dry... and the heifers were all around the rest of the roll that he put a little away from the unrolled stuff. I am glad that she is sensible enough for the hormones to be a momma, to be kicking in good. One of the reasons I like heifers a little older to calve... they seem to be more inclined to be mommas...better instincts on what to do....

Hopefully things will go okay with her... He fed them down in section 1, near where we set up the catch pen and load out. It will be at least a week or more before we can get in there to load them... but they are down where they will be easier to feed and check over. Got 3 more that are about a month behind her, then the rest will be close behind them... I hope to he// that weather will let us get them out sooner rather than later...

There was a crust on top of the snow but nothing like the iced over snow from the last time... It crunches as you walk and break through the crust. I cleaned off the side of the hanging bird feeder that was all iced over.. Cleaned off the hood and windshield on the truck across the road.... I will go start it whenever he calls so it can warm up and he comes to blow up the tire to get it to the barn. Then he can deal with the tire there. Hopefully it has a slow leak and he can get it to the barn and out of the way of going in there to get hay.

Made a tuna fish sandwich for lunch. I have a headache again today. Would have liked to go down to the chiropractor again this week... have an appt next week but would have liked to do one this week too... need to get adjusted some more to get this straightened out.

We are getting some misty type "rain"... which is not really a rain... it is staying about 34-37 so far today... hope it does not drop temps too much today.

Cancelled the farm this afternoon.. I have no interest in going testing anywhere. I am going out to bring the samples in and get them packed in a little bit. Then will go back up to the barn to the cows.... make sure the jersey calf can get to eat again... keep him stimulating her to produce and keep him interested in her...

What we do for these animals.....
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Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Yes, the milk production on these farms is fantastic. That is over 12 gallons a day per cow average...

Went to snyders... it is sloppy wet, snow is getting wet and heavy... we had some rain/misty precip all afternoon. The cows only ate less than half the hay I put out. So, I put all I could pick up back inside in the bunk, in different spots. Got them fed grain, the black cow was acting stupid and going from grain "pile" to pile in the bunk... since it has divider uprights to separate each animal she has to back up and go put her head in another spot.. finally settled into one spot and the calf went right on her. He stuck with her everytime she had to move to another spot. God Bless Betsy, she did not easily give up her spot to the black witch. But, it is making the calf "keep up with her" more than when he was putting her in the chute. When he called to tell me about the heifer that calved, I was telling him about the cow and how she was just being stupid, shoving the calf around, and that she probably was not going to bond with it, and he made the sarcastic comment, "well, you had to have her up there"....... well, she certainly was not getting anywhere at the barn in the mud or giving the calf any incentive to try to nurse if he was never with her except when she was in the chute... His attitude really rubbed me the wrong way.
I did not take the calf a bottle... decided to see how the next few days go and maybe he is getting too much milk right now and that is why he is so loose... He certainly is not going to starve, and I will watch him closely. Maybe he will be more likely to try her when she is eating in the bunk , and even eating hay in there. And maybe if his manure smells more right to her without the added milk replacer smell, might be more tolerant. At any rate, he is still better off up there.
It was slick up there and the front wheel drive on the car even spun a little in the wet mushy snow. One thing it will do is get the water to run down the tire tracks in the driveway, and help melt it better that way.. It got up to 37 for a little bit. There was a little ice on things, but not bad. Tomorrow is supposed to hit upper 40's... and maybe sun later in the day.
Samples are all in the house, will get sent out tomorrow. Don't know if I will test tomorrow. Sent a text to the girl that is the "manager" and see how things are over there and what she wants to do. I will take the meters in the morning if she wants to test. I can go either way... told the farmer when I called to cancel today that we could do it next week... Possible colder weather coming next week and the forecaster is watching a "potential weather event next Wed/Thurs".... Got a couple herds I want/need to get in...

Put a fresh pork butt roast in the oven that I got on sale the other day. Marked down to half... couldn't pass it up. Got 2. Like to cook them and then have some to slice off for sandwiches... Often get the shank portion for more bone, but the butt end was on sale so got them. Will have some good pork to eat in a little while.
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True BYH Addict
Golden Herd Member
Sep 20, 2024
Reaction score
Eastern NC
Yes, the milk production on these farms is fantastic. That is over 12 gallons a day per cow average...

Went to snyders... it is sloppy wet, snow is getting wet and heavy... we had some rain/misty precip all afternoon. The cows only ate less than half the hay I put out. So, I put all I could pick up back inside in the bunk, in different spots. Got them fed grain, the black cow was acting stupid and going from grain "pile" to pile in the bunk... since it has divider uprights to separate each animal she has to back up and go put her head in another spot.. finally settled into one spot and the calf went right on her. He stuck with her everytime she had to move to another spot. God Bless Betsy, she did not easily give up her spot to the black witch. But, it is making the calf "keep up with her" more than when he was putting her in the chute. When he called to tell me about the heifer that calved, I was telling him about the cow and how she was just being stupid, shoving the calf around, and that she probably was not going to bond with it, and he made the sarcastic comment, well, you had to have her up there... well, she certainly was not getting anywhere at the barn in the mud or giving the calf any incentive to try to nurse if he was never with her except when she was in the chute... His attitude really rubbed me the wrong way.
I did not take the calf a bottle... decided to see how the next few days go and maybe he is getting too much milk right now and that is why he is so loose... He certainly is not going to starve, and I will watch him closely. Maybe he will be more likely to try her when she is eating in the bunk , and even eating hay in there. And maybe if his manure smells more right to her without the added milk replacer smell, might be more tolerant. At any rate, he is still better off up there.
It was slick up there and the front wheel drive on the car even spun a little in the wet mushy snow. One thing it will do is get the water to sun down the tire tracks and help melt it better that way.. It got up to 37 for a little bit. There was a little ice on things, but not bad. Tomorrow is supposed to hit upper 40's... and maybe sun later in the day.
Samples are all in the house, will get sent out tomorrow. Don't know if I will test tomorrow. Sent a text to the girl that is the "manager" and see how things are over there and what she wants to do. I will take the meters in the morning if she wants to test. I can go either way... told the farmer when I called to cancel today that we could do it next week... Possible colder weather coming next week and the forecaster is watching a "potential weather event next Wed/Thurs".... Got a couple herds I want/need to get in...

Put a fresh pork butt roast in the oven that I got on sale the other day. Marked down to half... couldn't pass it up. Got 2. Like to cook them and then have some to slice off for sandwiches... Often get the shank portion for more bone, but the butt end was on sale so got them. Will have some good pork to eat in a little while.
I just cooked a pork butt roast, too!


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
STUPID owner put it up so it sat on the ground instead of setting it up 4 inches or so....
Can you rehang it higher off the ground?
"well, you had to have her up there"....... well, she certainly was not getting anywhere at the barn in the mud or giving the calf any incentive to try to nurse if he was never with her except when she was in the chute... His attitude really rubbed me the wrong way.
If you hadn't taken her up there she would never have adopted the calf. At least with you there is a chance she will take it. :fl He is just annoyed that he bought the calf, has no nurse cow to put it on, (since the last wtch went to auction) and is stuck with trying to get this cow to take it. He ought to be happy that you have the experience and patience to deal with this. But considering his normal attitude I guess it is to be expected. Maybe things are breaking apart with GF again.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Up to some freezing drizzle this morning.. misty rain... It was 31 overnight so IFFY type stuff. It is cloudy, and the rain is supposed to move off east and be done. Some clearing, with temps in the upper 40's expected, sun coming out later this afternoon... but the wind is supposed to pick up ALOT.... Gotta just take it as it comes. It will melt alot if it does warm up and the wind gets to blowing.

Birds are flocking to the feeder with all the snow on the ground.

Heading to snyder's . Farm asked to reschedule this afternoon which I kinda expected... That's fine... really didn't want to have to clean all the snow off the outback and go do them anyway... :hide :hide


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
What a difference 8 hours makes. The sun came out around 10... nice blue skies. Temps "soared" and hit 56 today. Light breeze.
The snow is less than half of what it was. REALLY... it just shrunk and disappeared... most of the ground is still covered, but it is like 2-3 inches. Every where you drove, it was so mushy and it melted down to the dirt so now everything is a MUDDY MESS....
DS got stuck with the 4xd big tractor and could not get up to feed hay where he has been feeding it. So, got it in the pasture next to where he was putting it.. and they rolled it off and unrolled the bale... and into the fence down below... At least they will work on it since he usually feeds at least 2 bales at a time... and it is supposed to be nice tomorrow also so won't get soaked from rain.. That comes Sat and Sun.

I slid around going to snyder's to do the cows... let the jersey cow out after feeding the grain, so she is not making a bigger mess in the barn. Plus then the 4 calves that normally go in to eat grain, will go out with her too...
Black cow is being a witch... she probably will not be allowed to take the calf out with her. But I am still trying.
The calf manure I saw looked more firm than the day before.. so didn't feed a bottle today either. Put a sq bale outside for the black cow in the lot against the fence so she won't walk all over it..after I turned Betsy out loose.... Betsy can go to one of the rolls that are out there. They are not devouring the rolls as fast, because it is not near so cold.

Alot of the snow is gone off the driveway and around the cars. Cleaned the outback off and what I couldn't reach on top is nearly all gone.

Tomorrow is supposed to be above freezing during the day, but not as warm... 40's... if the sun is out it will melt quite a bit more. Sadly, we are due to get rain most all weekend... 1-4 inches all according to who you watch. What a mess it will be.
The temps are supposed to drop tonight... forecast says low-mid 20's... I sure hope so... to get the ground hard so I can get around up at snyder's early... and so DS can get around to get some stuff fed.
He was going to call the guy that is supposed to take the calves... to make sure they are taking them all on Tuesday... he is feeding out 4-5 TON of silage a day between them and the heifers and the silage wagon he takes up to the cows with the fall calves. There are nearly 90 head in the 2 barn lots... 10 cows and the rest mostly all steers.. there are maybe 20 heifer calves, most off the cows we preg checked and dried the cows up and moved them... 22 of them... but kept all the calves in due to the cold/snow/rain we had.... less stress since they are eating really good.. even being sorted off from their momma's.... and for that guy to come look at them... but he had not wanted to keep the calves this extra is a muddy sloppy mess in there.

Have had several farms text about testing. Got one set for Sat aft... going to be raining anyway... One rescheduled on Tues .... One rescheduled on Wed...... got another that will probably be Thursday....once Wed is confirmed... OF COURSE, there is a possible "snow event" coming Wed... that farm is pretty close.... we'll play it by ear....