Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I’m a member of that shoulda been born in the past, club. I didn’t have many friends at school, the girls were silly, popular garbage and I’d rather go ride my horse.
:yesss::yesss::yesss::yesss::yesss::yesss: @Baymule ..... Exactly... I hated all the silliness, and my horse was the most important thing except working to pay for her... I made most of my clothes and that is when we still had to wear dresses/skirts... no pants in school until I was in last year or 2, of high school... then I worked after school and had to wear a dress/skirt.... so didn't bother with all the changing... then I came home from work, and changed, rode for whatever time I had and baby sat several nights a week for more horse/animal money...
I dated a little, but mostly was a "buddy/friend" kind of date to guys that liked to tinker with cars or a couple that had a horse....I had chickens from about 12-13yrs old.... for 4-H..... bought my own horse at 15.... met my ex, got into show chickens alot... and they used some of my available money... to buy better show chickens and all. My whole family got into showing the chickens too...everyone had their own breed ..... so it was a family hobby for several years.
The one thing that I would have missed if I had been able to go back in time... would have been the electricity......refrigerator/freezers and hot showers/ indoor running water........

Oh well...

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Duh....I guess I was born back in that time. 🙄. Yep, outhouses, hot bath in a metal tub by the wood stove. No electric. Rope & bucket for well water... 🤷 Only thing that got us out of that was my dad being Navy and we were eventually relocated with him, not just seeing him between his deployments.

Those nice conveniences were around, just not back in the hills 🤣

It was a life and now, a learning experience. If the SHTF happens, many would more than panic. :lol: While it's an inconvenience, I do know how to maintain. I'd buy a horse for myself again.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I was raised in Houston from 3rd grade . I hated it and left for East Texas with a detour through Baytown as soon as I was grown up. I had grandparents with 40 acres outside a small town and I loved to roam the woods. My grandpa taught me a lot. I bought a horse when I was twelve, much to my mother’s horror and had to board her. I wasn’t made to live in a city.


True BYH Addict
Golden Herd Member
Sep 20, 2024
Reaction score
Eastern NC
I don't understand what is going on with the nieces and nephews. I have two sisters, smart, hard-working, raised their kids right. My eldest sister & husband moved from Oregon to MN when they retired, had an understanding with their eldest daughter, who was having children. They babysat a lot, helped with house repairs, family stuff. SIL decides to find a job and move 3 hours away, and they don't say anything to parents until a couple weeks before. The granddaughters are very unhappy, too.

My middle sister has three children. Her health has been bad for years, basically is now housebound, living with her dh who has dementia. Children all move out of state. When first grandson is born they make no effort to bring him for a visit. All three have abandoned their parents, act as if they don't exist.

I think they're a bunch of self-centered, rotten poor-excuses for human beings.


True BYH Addict
Golden Herd Member
Sep 20, 2024
Reaction score
Eastern NC
:yesss::yesss::yesss::yesss::yesss::yesss: @Baymule ..... Exactly... I hated all the silliness, and my horse was the most important thing except working to pay for her... I made most of my clothes and that is when we still had to wear dresses/skirts... no pants in school until I was in last year or 2, of high school... then I worked after school and had to wear a dress/skirt.... so didn't bother with all the changing... then I came home from work, and changed, rode for whatever time I had and baby sat several nights a week for more horse/animal money...
I dated a little, but mostly was a "buddy/friend" kind of date to guys that liked to tinker with cars or a couple that had a horse....I had chickens from about 12-13yrs old.... for 4-H..... bought my own horse at 15.... met my ex, got into show chickens alot... and they used some of my available money... to buy better show chickens and all. My whole family got into showing the chickens too...everyone had their own breed ..... so it was a family hobby for several years.
The one thing that I would have missed if I had been able to go back in time... would have been the electricity......refrigerator/freezers and hot showers/ indoor running water........

Oh well...
My best friends growing up were my books and my pets. I didn't fit in with the other girls, make-up and boyfriend talk bored me to tears.

I sense a pattern here on BYH... :gig


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I don't understand what is going on with the nieces and nephews. I have two sisters, smart, hard-working, raised their kids right. My eldest sister & husband moved from Oregon to MN when they retired, had an understanding with their eldest daughter, who was having children. They babysat a lot, helped with house repairs, family stuff. SIL decides to find a job and move 3 hours away, and they don't say anything to parents until a couple weeks before. The granddaughters are very unhappy, too.

My middle sister has three children. Her health has been bad for years, basically is now housebound, living with her dh who has dementia. Children all move out of state. When first grandson is born they make no effort to bring him for a visit. All three have abandoned their parents, act as if they don't exist.

I think they're a bunch of self-centered, rotten poor-excuses for human beings.
Got a few nieces and nephews like that too....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Monday evening... Been 2 decent days...30's overnights... Sun was in the upper 50's/60 degrees... mostly sun and a little breeze... Today (Mon) was 65 and sunny with very little breeze.

Had a second set of twins born and the heifer is a little wobbly. DS doesn't think it is getting anything to eat... we finally got them down from the field, into a smaller lot with grass... cow does not like being away from the rest of the cows, but is mothering the calves. I tried a bottle for the one and fought to get 1/4 bottle in it... I did see it go over to the cow and tried one of the teats so it knows what to do... but did not see it actively suck. Manure looks okay.

They are small, 40-50 lbs maybe... bull 7 heifer twins again, same as the other cow that had a set last week. She is doing good with hers and they are both nursing her. Not sure she is going to have enough milk to raise both... I would like to get both these cows in the smaller lot and feed a little grain to them... to up the milk somewhat. Mentioned it to DS......
Tomorrow morning I will go up and see if I can get some more milk in the smaller heifer calf on this cow...or see if it is actively on the cow. They are very gangly looking, but they are only 24-36 hours old.... the bull calf is a little rounder... At least they are separate from the rest of the cows, she can't "lose them" in this smaller section of grass, and it will be dry all week, as well as warm, so they ought to get going better than if it was cold or rainy. I got water in a tub, and fed her some grain and a couple sections of hay that I went and got a sq bale... but there is alot of "residual grass" for her to be working on for a day or 2... Maybe I will be able to see them nurse the cow....
If I can remember, I will try to take a few pics of some of the new ones.....
Nothing new out of the 5 heifers at snyder's , or the 8 that are in with the other cows.

1305 "stupid" black cow is still coming in the barn with the jersey nurse cow... calf still goes right on her in the barn and goes out with the other calves through the creep gate and eats some grain in the bunk...... so we will deal with her... for now. I am not sure that the bought calf is not going on the jersey some... but really I don't care.

Going with DS to his "new dr " appt tomorrow... going to waste a whole day pretty much... leave by 10:30... 12 pm appt., leave down there at 2 (?) to come back..... home at 4 m/l.... Oh well, that is life.

I have an appt with the massage therapist Wed morning... chiroprator thinks I would really benefit with this hand and the dull headaches.... then back home, to go set up and test in the afternoon; so will be gone most all day... OF COURSE, because it is Bee-ootiful weather.....

Not much else going on, got clothes in the washer to hang out tomorrow morning before we go to dr appt I hope... soaked my "white's".... socks and stuff that needed it... soooo nice to be able to do clothes here again, since the water has been fixed. And take a shower with real decent water pressure...

Need to get some yard cleanup done and all... before you know it, it will be time to mow grass and get the garden tilled. :th:th:th:th😢😢🙄🙄 Glad to see the cold winter weather gone... not so glad to have to start the lawn mowing...

Highland county Maple Festival was last weekend and this coming weekend. Sat is supposed to be partly cloudy with decent temps... Rain for Sunday. Deb won't be here so I am going by myself if DS isn't going to go... he probably won't be making time for it since he was gone all week with her... not alot of fun to go alone but I hate to not go since I do enjoy it...

Took a shower earlier and washed my hair so don't have to do that this evening... going to bed early.... because my body is saying 7 a.m. when the stupid DST is saying 8 a.m. :he:he:he:he:rant:rant:somad:somad. And I have to do that calf in the morning...