Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Went up the hill and calves came in., I put some feed and Betsy came in and then 1305 came around the truck and came in so I gave her some feed... but I had just fed the calf the bottle and I did not let him in with the cow... letting her dry up... but letting her come in to eat some will make it easier to catch her when it is time to put her on the trailer.
The sky was real dark to the west... saw a couple bolts of lightning... but the wind has been nearly straight from the south heading north... got home, and got the boxes in the explorer to go to test tomorrow afternoon... 550 cows, and emptied a couple extras that I take, and got the bottles in the trays for Tuesday afternoon. So that much is ready ahead of time... one less thing to have to do. Locked the chickens in the run, and the NH in his crate... the wind was blowing and the dark clouds were getting closer... and finally there was some thunder and we got a short downpour... might get a little more but it is moving pretty fast. Still going more north than east. Looks like @Mini Horses is going to get alot more rain than us.

Going to make something for supper... It is still warm out... it hit 73 and there wasn't alot of sun on the recording thermometer... if it wasn't for the wind, it would have been almost too hot for this time of year. Temps are going to cool into the low 50's... tomorrow not much above 50 and then right near freezing tomorrow night... Yo-Yo temps...


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Your day of the “don’ts” sounds like me sometimes. Plenty to do, don’t want to do any of it. Plenty to cook, don’t want to cook and don’t want anything I have anyway.

Last storm here knocked the power out. No problem, I put on my LED headlamp so I could read. It flickered and went out. It needed charging. Well THAT wasn’t going to happen! It’s charged now though 😃😃😃


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Your day of the “don’ts” sounds like me sometimes. Plenty to do, don’t want to do any of it. Plenty to cook, don’t want to cook and don’t want anything I have anyway.

Last storm here knocked the power out. No problem, I put on my LED headlamp so I could read. It flickered and went out. It needed charging. Well THAT wasn’t going to happen! It’s charged now though 😃😃😃
Yeah, some days..........just "don't"......

Down to 44 last night. It is mostly cloudy right now but supposed to clear off and be mostly sunny in a couple hours. Will go out and let the chickens out and feed them and check the rain gauge to see what we got... if it held water... Said it was going to be somewhat windy today but for right now it is quiet out there. I will rehang the one wind chime on the porch but will have to get some "cord" to fix and then hang the other ones that the chime tubes broke off of. Next time I will try to remember to take them down before it gets to "gale force" winds...

I am going to Lowe's to check out some prices... found the butcher block counter tops on line, for what I think is a good price but I want to check out what Lowe's has... also a sink that I think will work in here so I can get the stupid little "butterfly" sink out of the corner, and get one that has some size... the prices might not be that great but I think they are I want to compare them. Then I could order them and have them here for when things can start to happen... I have pretty much decided which way to face it, will take out the cabinet next to the stove... and should be able to slide the portable dishwasher in there and still have room to comfortably stand and do the dishes. I have been drawing it on paper a couple times to figure out the more "user friendly" way to do it... I just hate what is in there and do not want to go through another year with it... The guy that was recommended to me has jobs lined up for a few months, so it is not a big rush... but like he said, you never know when he might have a "slack spot", waiting for something that is ordered to come in, or whatever...., and be able to start on a project or 2 that I have in mind... going to be a little bit piece meal which will work with the under stairs storage I want, and the sink and counter tops... and the tearing down of the upstairs ceilings will be a bigger project but that can be done "along" since I am not using those rooms anyway.. It will be alot better to do these things when the house can be "opened up" and not trying to keep the heat inside and doors closed all the time... Except for getting the kitchen sink and all that done in a timely manner, the other things are not critical for having back "to use" immediately... Plus everything is always in "disarray" around here, it won't be such a big deal... just don't want to be without the kitchen sink for very long...

Time to get out the door... I am going to do one load of clothes today, and hang them, as it is supposed to be nice tomorrow and Wed.... jeans and sweatshirts and such that need some warmer sunny drying time. Everything else is caught up. There will be some picking up of branches and such to do now after all that wind... maybe get a brush pile burned late one afternoon the end of the week... when I am going to be home for the evening. We are still under the burning ban before 4 pm... want to see if we have any possible showers coming in and do it then.
Time to make sure the batteries are charged and get the riding mower out and the cart and get the yard cleaned up and the electric netting ready for the garden... shoot it will be grass mowing time here long before the garden is ready to be put in... Last frost here is usually around the 1st-10th of May... Need to get motivated...
The guys brought back the post driver and the other equipment to the farm, so they are supposed to start on getting the posts driven there for the rest of the fencing... and then come here and drive them here and a couple in the corner of the fence where the "misrouted" trucks keep taking out the fence around the corner at grants here "behind me"... where we are always fixing the fence... DS is going to make 2 - 45 degree angles and move the fence back about 10 ft from the actual corner... and get a couple of HUGE boulders to put on the outside of the fence, so if any more tractor trailers come up this road... they will tear up their trailers and not our fence anymore and leave without us knowing the corner of the fence is down again... Owner said that was fine with him too... so I actually might get the fence this year... around the perimeter... I want to mow the line between me and next door so they have a straight line of sight for driving the posts... everything else is bordering the 2 roads. Then, when the owners of the Christmas tree farm (used to own my house too) are ready to quit it... as they are talking... I will approach them with buying another 1-2 acres that adjoins me... that they don't use because it tends to be wetter and can't grow the trees or park on it most years.. it grows grass and will make the property more "squared off" since there is a jut of land down below the rock ledge that is mine, sorta like a dog leg... it would just make another straight line all the way down and encompass that dog leg and make another straight fence down to the edge of the dirt road... I am not going to try to fenc around that rockledge piece now... I am thinking an additional "lot" for grazing... and the couple of big pine trees up near the road need to come down also, because they are past their prime... one came down on the fence last time, he had to drag it off and clean it up.... and they are losing limbs and such all the time... another looks like it is dead... the ones just down further have all died from the wetter ground over the years and he never replanted since they die in the wetter ground...

Y'all have a good day.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
I have pretty much decided which way to face it, will take out the cabinet next to the stove... and should be able to slide the portable dishwasher in there and still have room to comfortably stand and do the dishes.
Make sure to allow room to clear door handles when opening the dishwasher.
and the couple of big pine trees up near the road need to come down also, because they are past their prime...
Fuel for winter?


True BYH Addict
Golden Herd Member
Sep 20, 2024
Reaction score
Eastern NC
Your day of the “don’ts” sounds like me sometimes. Plenty to do, don’t want to do any of it. Plenty to cook, don’t want to cook and don’t want anything I have anyway.

Last storm here knocked the power out. No problem, I put on my LED headlamp so I could read. It flickered and went out. It needed charging. Well THAT wasn’t going to happen! It’s charged now though 😃😃😃
I bought two headlamps, but decided on the type that use batteries. I wear them when I go outside after dark.


Herd Master
May 6, 2017
Reaction score
Hamilton County, north of Indianapolis
I bought two headlamps, but decided on the type that use batteries. I wear them when I go outside after dark.
Several of both...I use mostly recharge ones. Batteries were gone to soon & $$$. In winter I'm often feeding, ckg water & goats/kids in the dark. Use mine a LOT.
It might be because you use yours more than I use mine, but I had the opposite problem. My rechargeable one kept having shorter and shorter amounts of time between charges so I decided I prefer the battery one.

Also, with the rechargeable one, when it needs a charge, it just turns off. I can usually turn it back on a couple of times before it goes off for good. So then I am out there in the dark. At least with the battery one, it goes dimmer over time, but at least I can still see. I can usually milk it for several days before I decide I really want the fresh batteries in it. I guess since I’m not using mine quite as much, the cost of the batteries doesn’t seem that noticeable.