I think he is honestly thinking of doing this..... urgh this is going to he an interesting winter.... guess im dragging out an old wprk book to keep track of all expenses spentAre the sheep you have now profitable or do you operate at a loss. I sell my lambs for $8 a pound hanging weight , plus $90 for cut and wrap. I lost 2 lambs and had to put down a ewe-dead loss. I have 3 wethers to sell, 2 are sold and one is up for grabs. I will have a loss this year. I had a loss last year.
If your Dad is hell bent on this, buy maybe 10 lambs and feed them out for spring. You will need to be a good book keeper to make a profit/loss statement and include EVERYTHING. What are you paid working on a dairy. Keep up with hours devoted to the lamb feeding operation. Include that as an expense. Tell your Dad to get his feet wet and see how it goes.