FDA taking antibiotics off the shelf 1/1/16 UPDATE AND FDA LINK


Herd Master
Nov 23, 2012
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Southwest Virginia
I have read in several places that antibiotics really never expire. The expiration dates are just goobermunt regulations. So if you stocked up and stored them well, you might be able to save that animal instead of waiting on the vet that shows up after the animal is already dead. And if antibiotics really do expire and it kills your animal, well, it would be dead anyway..... :idunno

So I recently chatted with a cattle friend of mine about antibiotic longevity... Expired antibiotics will almost never do harm to an animal (unless they have an allergy to begin with), but most do lose their effectiveness over time because the compounds break down. Kept in the fridge they last a good deal longer than the expiration date. Not sure about freezing as most have a desired temp range for storage. But one thing I can tell you is I will be stocking up.

Goat Whisperer

Herd Master
Dec 19, 2013
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North Carolina
@mysunwolf you don't need to stock up yet!

Everyone needs to re-read this post!!!!

I contacted my ADGA District critter who started this mess, and lo and behold she claims she was wrong. Here is the link to the FDA website that talks about what they are doing... banning antimicrobials from animal feed, which goes into effect December 2016. The link doesn't seem to say anything about over the counter antibiotics, just antimicrobials in the feed, excluding those for Cocci.


Seems the do-gooders out there think animal feed is the agent that is causing the hospitals superbug problem. Oh what would we ever do without these "best and brightest" looking out for our every moment.

Sorry for the panic folks, but I'm tired of someone I don't know telling me what the #&^ to do with my life and furthermore just how the *^%% to do it. Sheesh.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
It's not that the country is anti agriculture... In fact, a growing number of people in this country are becoming more and more aware, and forming/using farmers markets and local sourced foods, seeking out NON GMO foods, and going all organic if they can. Many of those are creating small at home garden areas or moving to places where they can grow their own food. It's what I'm doing. This has caused ripples in big agribusiness and major chemical companies (pesticides needed for agribiz). They own the FDA and congress (along with the military industrial complex and all other big business in general).

The laws you see being passed or touted as "good for the economy" or to "save people from threat of major illnesses" such as bird flu and swine flu, and all the other BS, are to try and STOP small farms and personal farms from existing. To make personal ownership of your food sources as near to impossible as they can. When the govt controls the food, they control you. You may have noticed it's becoming more difficult to get heritage/non GMO seeds and plants from nurseries and such. And when you can, they're becoming more expensive. Those companies are getting bought out by the monsanto's of the world and being taken away... a little at a time. We're now getting to the point where individuals are swapping seeds for plants that are no longer available otherwise.

Life is getting more and more scary.


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
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Anderson, CA
If small farms and family farms were on the hit list why does the USDA provide loans to beginning ranchers and farmers and small producers, like me? Not sure that I can really get on board with your conspiracy theory. ;)

I do however agree that there are way too many laws to "protect us".

As far as the antibiotics, for now CA is the only state that is banning the over the counter sale of antibiotics in 2017. The FDA is only banning antibiotics in feed and I can agree with that. It is being used to encourage growth in animals, not fight disease. Even the manufactures of the drugs agree to pull them from the feed. It is called the Animal Feed Directive if anyone cares.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
<--always a conspiracy theorist... some things aren't as obvious as others. Chess to a whole nuther level...


True BYH Addict
Oct 14, 2015
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Blythewood, SC USA
I have only become a conspiracy theorist over the last few years. I mean everybody knows the "lone-gunman" tale about JFK is a lie, but I mean bigger. @Latestarter Have you noticed how difficult it is to find drink (including juice and so-called kids' drinks like SunnyD, etc.) that
don't have sucralose in them. I know they say it's a calorie thing, but JuicyFruit gum? Sucralose, aspertame, acesulfame, there are a half-dozen artificial sweeteners out there, and it's almost impossible to find any prepackaged consumable without at least one of them in it. I don't trust all of these "artificial" everythings. I admit I can't see a clear picture on "Why?" but there is definitely something fishy going on.

Anyone remember a B-movie called "They Live"?;) I'm just sayin'...


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
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Anderson, CA
Some of my best friends believe as you do and no harm no foul. I just tend to look on the other side and if the laws are going to be there then I spend my time figuring out what I can change to make it work. I have no desire to be a politician so I support the ones I like and let them to my bidding. Do I agree, most of the time I don't, but until I am personally ready to throw my hat into the political ring (never) there isn't much more I can do. My personal beliefs and what I was taught to believe in keep me sane.

The USDA and the Farm Service Agency has been critical to the building of my dairy. The support I received for this project far surpasses my wildest dreams. And there is a good possibility that I may be buying some land with their help as well. I have a hard time right now viewing them as evil and out to get me.

UC Daivs still provides necropsies to backyard flocks for free. Again, doesn't sound like they are out to get the small farmer.

chiques chicks

Loving the herd life
Sep 22, 2015
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I'm not really a conspiracy theory guy, but I'm not a fan of government intrusion and regulation.

As far as heirloom seeds and seed exchanges, they are nothing new. First saw them in the mid seventies when, as a ugh school student, I picked up my first issue of Mother Earth News. It was different then that it is now.

Barter and reuse had been a part of my life for half a century, generally along the lines of paying it forward.

To me it's just a new generation realizing how things should be.


True BYH Addict
Oct 14, 2015
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Blythewood, SC USA
Don't worry @babsbag, I'm not completely 'round the bend. I know not everyone is out to get us, even govt. types. It's just that more and more things are happening these days without anyone noticing and that worries me a little. My faith keeps me from plunging headlong into some paranoid delusion.;) Our freedoms get eaten-up and the first steps are always small and inconspicuous. Like Madalyn Murray O'Hair shoving God right out of the classroom, and now "separation of church and state" doesn't mean the govt. can't control the church and vice-versa, it means faith and core-values cannot influence the legal system. That's not what it was supposed to be, but now instead of "right and wrong" everything must be "politically correct" and "everyone must determine for himself what is right". There are no more absolutes. We can't say "This is right and this is wrong." because it's different for everybody. Now we are surrounded by amoral christian scientists who suddenly have the power and the money and a lot of the politicians and press in their pockets. It's a little unnerving, and I see end-times written all over it, but I won't be shaken. I have a firm foundation and I simply watch (with growing interest and concern) and pray...and keep doing my thing for me and my family. After all, that's basically what we're supposed to do. And witness and "Go ye, therefore.."

@chiques chicks I'm not sure if the heirloom seeds thing is part of the anti-conspiracy anti-GMO "movement" or not, but it does serve the same purpose, so I guess it's good all-round. Like @babsbag said, "no harm, no foul"!:thumbsup

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