Self Sufficient Queen
I want to learn to run my own fecal samples. I am shopping for a microscope, and slides and equipment.
Anyone else out there do their own fecal tests for worms? It will cost me $88 to have the vet run fecals on my four goats....just once. Twice and I have the equipment almost all paid for.
Yes, I will still have the vet do it in emergency illness situations. I want to monitor worm loads myself, and learn about the different worming programs and herbals, and see what works on my property with my goats. I think this is the best way to do that.
Anyone else do their own? Any suggestions before I buy my equipment?
Anyone else out there do their own fecal tests for worms? It will cost me $88 to have the vet run fecals on my four goats....just once. Twice and I have the equipment almost all paid for.
Yes, I will still have the vet do it in emergency illness situations. I want to monitor worm loads myself, and learn about the different worming programs and herbals, and see what works on my property with my goats. I think this is the best way to do that.
Anyone else do their own? Any suggestions before I buy my equipment?