Feed for show/breeding rabbits?


Loving the herd life
May 20, 2009
Reaction score
cattlecait said:
I'm not entirely sure what BOSS is...
I would imagine that is Black Oil Sunflower Seeds. :) You can find them at feed stores or garden supply stores in the wild bird seed section.


Ridin' The Range
Feb 19, 2011
Reaction score
Sacramento Calif
What do you feed your rabbits?
*from rabbitgeek notes 7/30/08

Below is my standard blurb on feed:
I usually feed Purina Complete (16% protein) and Purina Professional
(18% protein). Actually I mix them together to create an average
17% protein feed. Lately I've been using Purina Show Formula (16%)
mixed with the Purina Professional.

We've had small rabbits, Netherland Dwarf, Jersey Wooly, Polish,
Holland Lops and Dutch as well as large rabbits like American Blues,
French Lops and Angoras.

The Angoras and Americans do well with higher protein requirement
but the protein is not so high as to create problems with the
smaller breeds.

This has been our primary feed for many years. We occasionally try
another feed but when the flesh condition drops, we switch back.

It may not be the fault of the other feed. Any switch in feed is
stressful and will cause some loss of condition. We should probably
switch for 6 months to really test it a new feed.

But when we have won many Best of Breed awards with different breeds
on the Purina feed, we always wind up back on the Purina.

When you find a feed that your rabbits do well on, stick with it. As
you breed, you are selecting for rabbits that will do well on the feed
you are giving it.

Other considerations are: I can usually buy feed at a feed store on
my way to work, no extra trips required. If they are out of stock,
there are two other dealers within easy driving distance. Purina has
the easy to read date code printed on the bottom paper strip, no 10
digit date codes to decipher.

I hope this info helps.
Have a good day!
Franco Rios