Goat Mistress
It's crucial for proper digestion.
freemotion said:Wasted hay = free bedding. Well, expensive bedding, sometimes, but hay and straw are about the same price here. Let them sleep in it for a while before it goes to the compost pile, so you get more use out of it.
There are some hay feeder threads around here somewhere. I find that I need to use different feeders for different types of hay to reduce waste. Standard hay rack with boards for very coarse hay, feeders made with wire fencing with 2x4" openings for most second cut, and now I have homemade hay bags with small openings for some very small third cut that just runs right through the other two feeders. A lot of trouble, yes, but it saves me a lot of hay. Hay is precious here and good second cut can be very hard to find.
LOL I do the same thing except I feed the stems to the rabbits and the worm bins so to me, its not actually wasted just fed to someone else. So- buys some rabbits and worms. ..or a horse.... and then there's now waste! Loljulieq said:Even if one uses hay feeders, goats still don't eat all the stems. Ours are very picky. We feed alfalfa hay free choice and just clean up the stems and hay the goats refuse and feed it to our horses.