Herd Master
Sales are good! Congrats!
That's the beauty of Katahdin sheep...they seem to get and stay fat on nothing at all.
Very cool. Having a market where you know you can sell whatever you produce is always a good thing.Just found a pretty neat thing on FB for the sheep enterprise. There's a larger producer in my state of Katahdin sheep and he wants to do a fall and spring lamb pool for smaller producers like me so we can all get better prices on our lambs than we can at the local auction barns. Several people are interested and I'm interested on two levels. I can more easily sell my lambs and for a better price than I can get at my local place and I can also meet more Katahdin producers in the state, thus possibly buying into better blood lines when we change out rams or want to add more ewes.
I may still hold out some of the better ram lambs for selling off the land or providing locals with grass fed lamb for butcher, but this would help us tremendously to streamline our farm income while networking with other Katahdin growers in the state.
Just need to work on my stock trailer to build a good looking topper for it and painting it with our farm colors and sign so we have a real farm identity when we go to these lamb pools. Who knows? Pretty soon that little 4x8 may be too small to accommodate our lamb production!
That sounds like a very good deal. Plus the added bonus of networking with other breeders. Win-win!