I sure hope so! I took him on his first leash walk this morning to the back of the land, worked on sitting when I stop, walking on a loose leash...hard to teach an old dog new tricks. Finally did get him to keep lying down when I put the feed pan down and being given permission to approach the feed. Didn't take as long as I imagined...he had the idea right off the bat, but he just needed reinforcement.That dog will have a great life on the farm.
Can't fault a ewe that will bring her problems right to the gate so you don't have to walk the field, huh? I think it was more a case of wanting a peanut butter dog biscuit than knowing I could help her...she's obsessed with those biscuits, even more so than the older gals.I love a happy story. Lola knew you would help her and she ran to you. That is the humbling trust Gods creatures put in us. What a beautiful experience, it has to make you swell with love for Lola. And your dogs! They knew she was distressed and did their best to comfort her. Then they barked the alert to you. How awesome.