He's udder is still really, really swollen. I'm going to wait to get udder pics until Friday or Saturday.
C and I have decided to bottle raise the kids. Since she's keeping the Doe kid anyway, we will be teaching them to the bottle Thursday so they can get all their colostrum needs. The buckling will be left with the doe overnight and bottled during the day.
I'm going to retain him and see how he fills out by 5 months. This is a breeding we were both very excited for.
I say really swollen, but you know how a freshly kidded heavy milker looks when he kids aren't drinking enough to even come close to emptying her. THAT'S what it looks like.
High, tight, even. Nice medial. Teats look great, but she's only a 2F.
Onyx has started nesting. She also looks like she could explode at any minute. She's ginormous, has grown exponentially in the last week or so. She has a mere 12 days to go and I still need to throw together a nursery for her and Pearl.
I also think we have a sneaky, sneaky doein the mix. Sending off a pregnancy red on Red. We've cut her off of grain, hay only, and she's still gaining weight. Back in April, about a week after she kid, the bucks were in the pasture next to the does and Red teased all along the fence line. At one point Duli couldn't take anymore and broke out. I thought I caught him in time (less than 30 minutes). I'm beginning to think I'll have kids from Red in early October. I can't think of any other reason she would be this LARGE. Including some pictures, opinions?
Positive. Even if she connected the day she kid, which is impossible because the bucks were across the pasture, that would be April 20. The day I marked his grand escape was April 28-May 5. I remembered about a week later and couldn't remember the exact date so I guessed.
That would mean she's got a HUGE amount of babies in there.
Positive. Even if she connected the day she kid, which is impossible because the bucks were across the pasture, that would be April 20. The day I marked his grand escape was April 28-May 5. I remembered about a week later and couldn't remember the exact date so I guessed.
That would mean she's got a HUGE amount of babies in there.