Two happy, healthy, bouncy boys and one deformed doeling. She has the same issue that killed Aelia's only surviving kid last time. She was bred to different buck, but there's something hiding in those genetics. Aelia will not be bred again. Neighbor enjoys her company and doesn't mind not breeding her back. The doeling won't live long if she does survive, the buckling that had that deformity lived 6 months.
If the doeling lives she will be pet only.
Red and Holly are fat fat fat.It was good seeing them. They need their hooves done, so I'm going back next week to trim them and give them shots. Neighbor has a bottle and will be supplement feeding the tiny doeling.
Uploading pictures shortly. It's bittersweet because I still love those girls, but he sure is enjoying them and they clearly adore him.
Here's some pictures. You can see the difference in the way the bucklings (blonde) carry themselves vs the doeling. She can't pick her head up, has virtually no neck, and a really short back. Same as the last one she had like this. This is why we decided to not breed her again in the first place, but she was accidentally bred before going to the neighbors. She's a GREAT mom, she just has something hiding in her genes that produces these.... oddball kids. Time will tell if the little one was just SMOOSHED with her siblings, or, if she carries that odd gene.
Neighbor named her 'Lucky'.
She had them in their lean to they have in their pasture. Neighbor went out to clean the shed out before the girls started to kid, and as you see he was a day late and a dollar short. Aelia picked the side of the shed that allllllll the poo was on to have the kids. I cut and dipped their cords for him, checked them over, cleaned them up (they had poo on them, see pictures) and gave him some pointers. He really is fun to watch interact with the girls. He calls Red 'the fat one', Aelia 'the two year old', and Holly 'the little one.' Neighbor doesn't name things