Put up a sign at TSC, I saw they had chicks when I was there yesterday, maybe you can sell goats too
BTW, PLEASE work your way up to corporate or whoever and get them to STOP claiming they are selling Ameraucana. They are not, they are EEs. I love my EEs but Ameraucana is a specifically recognized breed by the APA, EEs are not! So they are misleading the buying public.
I assume TSC is just calling them whatever the hatchery calls them. Not to make this about work (cause ugh!) but I do appreciate that their signs by the chicks are very serious about saying these are not gifts, they are for agricultural purposes.
I'm sure they are but "buyer beware" aside, I sure wish that if they KNOW they aren't selling what they CLAIM to be selling, they would change it. EEs are very popular, it wouldn't hurt sales. BTW they were straight run. I think they had 6 "bins" and 13 "breeds" only one bin was pullets. Can't recall which breeds though but it wasn't one of the really common ones. Of course the "Cinnamon Queens" and "Black Sex links" can be sexed.
I noticed that our TSC was asking chick buyers their name, address and info on their first born child at checkout. I'm curious why they want/need all that info?