Did some cleaning today. Put the boys to work. Got a lot of the “junk” my ex left behind burned and piled to haul away. I should get pictures of the trash cans we filled up.
Everyone wore themselves out. It was a good day.
Ended the day with an outdoor picnic. We had fun. My mom was excited to be done moving heavy stuff. She and I both have bad backs (ironically, both from horse riding accidents) so we tag teamed things that were to heavy to pick up solo.
My mom and the boys go home on Sunday. I’m sure going to miss them when they’re gone.
It warmed up to the mid 40s today. It was glorious. Took the blankets off the horses and gave them a good brushing. Filled all the water troughs back up. The hens are happy, too, as I got 13 eggs today. I haven’t seen 13 eggs in one day since the fall.
A bit of maual labor and a burnpile will take the chill out of the air for sure....I have a bit of that to do myself, gotta break out the chainsaw also to increase the piles some....
Nothing like a good burn pile! Especially when you are cleaning up "loose ends". LOL Everything here has been frozen for a week, been hauling boiling water from the kitchen. Today was sunny here too, I dumped out the old dirty water and ice and everybody got fresh water.
I live a good burn pile. We had two big ones going earlier. Let them burn down right before dark and came inside. Tomorrow we’re fencing off the garden.