We installed hot fence because they were not listening to regular fencing and we're trying to prep for kids on the ground. Had the boys out while we were touching up on final details, and, Duli tried to scale his way back into the pen with the does. He did not make it. He hung for a good fourty five seconds while my husband sprinted to his rescue. When husband reached him he panicked and twisted.
Felt the leg all over after we freed him, a little heat but no swelling. It's been two hours and he's still holding the leg up. We're going to check on him again in the morning. If he's still not putting weight on it he will go to the vet for an xray Monday. They're (the bucks) so attached to Aelia they panic when they're not together and it's making seperating them hard. She yells and yells for them which riles them up more.
It's never ending with animals I swear.
Bonus is the hot fence works, husband found out first hand (haha) and so did the goats, the pups, and my husband's dog.
We're running a second strand tomorrow to make up for some low points that they found today. The wire goes around the buck pen and the bottom strand of barbed wire (6-8 inches or so) around the property line. We're running another strand about four inches above this where the dogs keep jumping over. Maddie and Connie are now scared of the fence. They touched it a few times and won't go near it anymore. The two dogs who have a tendency to run away have found ways out. The second strand will fix that issue. Then the goats can browse in the horse pasture with minimal attention from us.
No pictures yet, as we spent the day busting our humps to make it work.
And forgot the most important detail. The doe pen. I think if we had strong the for pen Duli would have left them alone.
Poor buck.
Edited because I'm tired and made spelling errors.