@OneFineAcre Her FF udder wasn't what the breeder wanted. I don't have pictures of it, but, she showed me pictures. She's got some junior blues under her belt. I'm hoping to start showing her in August after she delivers, that gives her time to get a nice full udder.
I'll PM you her pedigree. I'm absolutely in love with her, she's very polite.
After much deliberation, discussion, and debating, a have decided to sell the Bluebutt pigs. The boar just can't be kept in a pen, and at almost 500lbs I'm tired of fighting him. The sow went for an adventure yesterday and got to close to the horses. My white mare, Mama, May have fractured the sows leg. She's been limping and not wanting to move around a whole lot ever since.
We have also decided to sell Taystee and Karma of they don't amp up production. I have someone interested in them, a pet gome where they'll be spoiled rotten by a bunch of kids. If they decide that the girls aren't for them, well, they do produce pretty babies and they're easy to handle. They're never "empty" when I'm done, they're just hard to milk (small teats, slow flow). Taystee is one of my best mannered does on the stand. If I can just get her to give me more! Her bag is a BEAUTY. Full, firm, plump.
Aelia fractured her leg a few days ago. She's wearing a small splint just below the hock where it snapped. Due to the stress of it all, Aelia has all but dried up. Hero is getting weaned the hard way. That's okay though, because since Sunday we've been chunking her milk to the dogs. She's been on PanG and wearing a (I want to call it a catheter... but it goes up her teat) whatever that thing is called. We thought she might be getting mastitis in the side that she blew out on while we we're in Mexico. Her udder was firm, hard, and hot. Vet didn't bother testing, said just start treating her because of its not yet it will be in the next few days. The blowout was pretty bad, right where her udder attached beneath her stomach above the teat. Praying it doesn't affect her next season, as we're just going to let her dry out to heal. It's scabbed over, so we're going in the right direction.
Red continues to astound me. She gave us nearly four cups this evening. She was so full that when I touched her milk came pouring out. I wasn't ready for that!! Somehow I only emptied her left side, as when I let her down her right teat still showed signs of having milk in it. When j milk her completely empty they look like prunes / raisens... She really empties! LOL! Her doeling has grown leaps and bounds compared to the other kids her age. Hero and Helen are nowhere near as large or growthy as Holly. She's almost the size of her mother already.
Poppy's runs are FINALLY clearing up. We've had her on a power punch, electrolyte, probios regimen per the vet for two weeks now. This afternoon while on the milk stand she gave us a nearly formed solid poo with pellets formed in it. I am beyond excited she's finally getting over this diarrhea. It has really affected her body score. Poppy gave us just over a cup this evening. Lilly gave us almost two.
In total this evening we got six cups from the five does we put on the stand. Prudence's boys are pretty much draining her so we didn't milk her, and probably won't unless we can put some weight back on her. She's a walking stick with a giant udder. I'd love to continue milking her but she can't hold her weight.
The girls are going through the protein and minerals like crazy. Their kids are growing quickly, so they clearly need it. We will just keep shoveling hay, mineral, protien, and feed into them and pray for increased production.
90% of what's in the right jar is from Red. Some of this evening's earnings went to the dirt and the cats. Poppy kicked the jar and stuck her foot in it. Her poopy foot.
Reds fat little doeling.She has gorgeous eyes, too.