I had a whole long post written and it got deleted. Augh! *pulls hair*
Summary of long post:
Thunderstorms dropped more trees.
Hay is still drowning.
Kittens officially have names.
Connie and Maddie are getting huge.
Will take rain over drought any day.
I'm so sorry about your cat! I can say I truly knows what it feels like to lose one of those that are especially dear to us. Having the babies helps, but I know it doesn't erase the pain! I like the kitten drinking out of the bowl... that was cute!
I love your pictures! You do so well at photography!
These fleas are killer. Literally. We've done everything we can do... I spray the house daily, they were getting baths daily, fleas picked daily, but the dogs bring them in on their paws and we bring them in on is. I HATE sand fleas.
Everyone is miserable.
I'm tired of using chemicals
I'm ready for this week to be over.
Here's "Simon" getting his flea bath and picked, followed by one of him cuddling with me. I feel terrible right now. I am ready to call it quits.
Bad at work ( prepping for inventory... ugh ). Bad at home. Even the goats had a Bad day... only got 1 cup this evening. We have been getting six!
Not real familiar with cats I will tag @babsbag but you may want to try DE (food grade) and put Cedar chips in their crate area.
Penny Royal is another thing you may want to look into. The penny royal oil shouldn't be put directly on kittens but you may be able to put some on an area around their pen... not sure... I'd look that one up but Pennyroyal is a repellent.
@Samantha drawz recommended I try Cedar earlier. I'm picking up a bag tomorrow, he's probably coming to work with me so he doesn't get reinfested. I thought I had DE leftover from when we had chickens. I was wrong. I'll also be picking it up tomorrow.
We have also ordered a supplement from the vet that's supposed to help boost iron in kittens recovering from infestation. It's supposed to help them regain energy and boost the weak little immune systems.
I noticed a few on them on Sunday/Monday. Sprayed, bathed, gave Frank an early dose of monthly comfortis and advantage multi (They're all on it. All adults.) Lost one the night we lost Frank. Wasn't sure what it was. Lost two last night and two today within about twelve hours of each other.
Now that Simon is mostly clean, I'll just stash him in my office during the day and being him home at night so I can keep an eye on him. We have a bet next door to us that has always been helpful and if he makes it until Monday when she opens back up I'll run him over on my lunch break to see if she has something safe for a kitten of his size.
I would just get something to put on him directly but everything I find is for 12+ weeks... consultveterinarian for use on younger kittens. I shall consult.
Gee, you are sure having a time of it! Big hugs! Even though I hate to use chemicals, fleas in the house is one thing I just can't stand. I have used sevin dust, sprinkled in the floors and it kills fleas dead. Vacuum or sweep up. Repeat in a week.