The first judge in the first ring said her scurs gave her a masculine topline.
Second judge didn't mention them.
Both judges said she was lacking in width over thef does in front of her and that she was a little lean. Judge 1 liked her over all appearance, but thought she placed where she did because she needed more time to mature. Judge 2 said she was very well put together and would be better with size and length. She was one of the youngest in her group, and it was obvious. The two does immediately behind her in the lineup were younger, and the doestowards the front were all 1-2 months older. At 4.5 months old I'm happy with how she did. She was very well behaved, only acted out twice the whole time. Peed on judge 2 when he was feeling her over. Screamed in arena 1 when we first walked in and played trampoline on me before settling down.
Lyra was liked a LOT. Her feminine features, depth, and width were a huge bonus. Placed 2nd only to a doe who was longer. Very pretty little doe. She got BOB, GCH Jr, and idk what else in the finals. Lyra barely placed behind her. Judge had a hard time but her length finally placed her before Lyra. The second 1st place doefrom the second arena beat Lyra by default. Judge 2 talked about her a long time before finalizing us in 3rd.
We're really, really happy. Lyra also won a small premium. Wasn't expecting that. We have high hopes for both girls. They're showing again in two weeks at the state fair. Competition there will be harder, bigger, better. I think Lyra will still do really well, but not sure how much maturing Damsel will do in that time. Her chances are better because the older does from this show won't be in her class there. Lyra will be against the same goats most likely.
We will be talking Briar or Pearl, Lyra, Zinnia, and Damsel to state fair. Was going too take 6 but decided against it.
All I know is dairy whites originated with cattle. I helped several people show (needed experience, they needed handlers) and by my third goat my whites weren't white anymore.
One breeder, who is well known, showed like 12 goats and I helped her out by holding goats and shuffling goats between classes for her. She and I talked a LOT about LaMancha and she gave me lots of good pointers. One of her goats for its final leg that day and she was . I'll have to look but I think that doe got BIS as well. Man she was HUGE. She had a doeling in the class with Damsel that was a month older and probably 20lbs heavier. Gorgeous! I think she got first all around. I was very happy to help out where I did. Even helped a lady with some Saanen, whose name I have forgotten, and talked to her a lot.
I was surprised by the amount of people who brought tons of goats, mostly same breed some scattered. In the Boer world you didn't bring that many animals and no one was willing to help or talk or give pointers.
The lady who wonall around with Nigerians is who I got June and Briar from. I'll be excited to see how Briar does against her own bloodlines at her upcoming show.
It got confusing at the end though. At one point I was in ring 1 helping someone with their yearnings and I heard my name being called. I looked up to see the lady who was penned next to me dragging Lyra over for her next class.
I thought I had time. Lesson learned. Glad I knew her and she knew my goats, Lyra did really well.
It was definitely a new experience but we had fun. John was the gopher and did all the running. Couldn't have done it without him.
After Lyra got 2nd they did the championship ring and I ran to get a drink. The judge yflagged me down and told me to come back! I didn't know!