FergusonK's journal - Goodbye Java Jewel.

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
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North Carolina
It always makes it worse when you don't know what happened.

I know this is hard but were there any punctures? Did he have a broken neck?

I ask because there is always a possibility that something else happened and the dog may have been trying to get him up.

Of course there may be many things that have been going on and you would know best. I am glad he will be sent back and not sent under.

Ferguson K

Herd Master
Aug 3, 2015
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No obvious broken bones. He was blue, we think he was smothered.

Ferguson K

Herd Master
Aug 3, 2015
Reaction score
He was found under a China berry tree, in amongst stink weed. Covered in saliva, blue, cold but not stiff. .


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
sounds like Sully "played" with him to death. With no bite marks, I don't believe it was a vicious attack. But dead is dead and you can't have that.

Ferguson K

Herd Master
Aug 3, 2015
Reaction score
Some positive news around here.

We finally have eyes on our LaMancha hard sire.

It has taken almost a year, but, I think I've found THE one. I'll be talking to her more in person at our next show. She has three buckling that really compliment the direction we're going and all of his full sisters have their SGCH. He's not a cheap buckling. It's an easy decision.

I will post pictures and updates when the deal is finalized. :fl

He's quite handsome.

Also, Simon is going in next week to get spayed. She's turning into quite the little lady. Reminds me so much of her mother. I miss my Frankie cat, but, I enjoy my time with Simon. Gator kitty and Simon are currently curled up on my lap, Mickey on my head, and Munchkin on my other shoulder. Life with cats. :th


We have finally started going in the right directions with our herd. We've got a good start, I think.

Morgan due in three weeks with a very promising single.

Karma due in four weeks.

Two does due in five.

Most does due December/January.

I have Hollar turned in there now to "clean up" any remaining does. Hes on week two and he still isn't peeing or blubbering like anyone is in heat. I will leave him in long enough to catch Onyx and Pearl, as I don't think they've been rebred yet.

Then we're done breeding until next year. No more kids until 2018. We need time to focus and grow our herd with the superior genetics we've been eyeballing. I'm waitlisting on kids from two herds I really want to work with in the ND's and one herd for the LM's. We will show whatever we get from them and if theyre big enough breed them for 2018 kids.

We have 18 does going into the 2018 season to get kids from. I feel like I've fallen into a numbers trap.

I want to focus on udders and length, which these lines have proven to have. They compliment the lines we already have very well. After a being in the new additions, and freshen the does a have currently, everything going forward will be ours. I'm excited.

We didn't set out this year expecting to grow the way a have. To get the does a have. We didn't set out this year expecting to get back into showing and competition.

In April we have LA, and in 2018 we will start milk testing.

Our goal for this year is to continue improving the lines we have. Continue adding good does and bucks from our breedings.

One addition a just made was an unrelated mini LM buckling. He was a freak accident. His dam was bred to a ND (she's ND) who was pastured with an LM. The LM buck must of snuck one in while the doe was in there when they want to the barn to grab a collar and lead to move him, because his dam gave birth to one ND doeling and one mini LM buckling. How odd?!


Aren't they cute? We will use him with the mini's we have hitting the ground in Jan.

Going to pick him up next week. :love:love

I think I have a buck addition. Never hurts to have nice bucks and broad genetics, right?

Tomorrow we will be trying to get updated pictures on the herd. Try is the operative word here.


Green Acres Farm

True BYH Addict
Jul 2, 2016
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We had a Great Pyrenees who would try to play with the goats and chase them. He bit a doe on the back of her leg and the doe ended up needing stitches. Because it was nothing besides her leg that was injured, we figured it was just an accident. Because he wanted to play we bought him another Great Pyrenees puppy. And it helped, he was happy to have her and mostly stopped chasing the goats to try and play with them.

Unfortunately, it got worse. We went down to the goat pen one morning and saw him eating one of our buck's legs. His leg was dangling by the bone. Muscles and ligaments exposed and torn and consumed. The only thing not chewed was his hoof, really. Again, no other injuries on neck, etc. It was absolutely horrific. Anyways, surprisingly, our vet was actually able to amputate the goat's leg and he is doing great now with just 3! Has not slowed him down at all!

Needless to say, Snowball, the Great Pyrenees, was out of the goat pen. We tried to keep him as a pet, but we had to keep him penned up as he wandered and he was miserable and depressed. He always had plenty of bones and we would play with him and walk him multiple time a day, but he was still not happy. We ended up giving him to a friend who wanted to see how he would be with her Akita whose mate died. It ended up working out really well and he is happy. His new owner told us that he has a girlfriend who is have half Great Pyrenees, half poodle!

Our other Great Pyrenees, Snowflake, is a totally different dog than Snowball. She is submissive to the goats, never chases, and likes to be with them. She likes us, too but does not mind being in the goat pen and isn't upset when she is. She will want to go in there on her own if she has been out for awhile. I think she will end up being a really good LGD.
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