Loving the herd life
They are adorable!
Congrats on 2 live babies! You did a great job!

By the way @Louannx how's your other doe? Is there no chance she's bred as well?
Okay, that's very good news as well!No, I do not think so. She goes in heat about every 3 weeks and the bucks go nuts. They never went nuts with Dotti at all so I knew she was pregnant. Jolie was born Feb 1st so I was off on her months. She is 9 months old not 7 months old.
You mean she's not giving any milk at all? Like her teats are plugged or something?Ok so I noticed today an issue with Dotti milk. She has milk but still a pint or two and cannot get it out of her teats. I gave the kids about 2 ounce a piece of warmed cows milk. I massage and applied warm compress. Any suggestions on what I can give her to make her blow up with milk? It’s been three days since delivery. I will supplement the kids till I can get Dotti going.
I agree with @StarSpangledNubians that she probably just has a small boer udder. By the way, does she have 2 teats or 4? Most boers are bred for 2x2 teats while most other goats are 1x1. She's probably producing enough but a pic would help. Do the babies seem normal? Babies really only need about 10% to 12% of their bodyweight in milk per day. So an 8lb kid would only need about 15oz per day.Hi, yes her teat was plugged but I got it fixed. She still has not filled up tight with milk. Still has like two pints of milk. When it comes in late, how late are we talking about. I see all these pics of other people’s goats udders and they look like they have about a gallon and a half.