Finally 2nd calf

Mike Fronczak

Chillin' with the herd
Jan 8, 2012
Reaction score
Yes he is peeing & pooping (2 times each that I know of). My wife got him to drink some milk replacer (I think a pint or so), then when I got home at 2pm I tried, he wouldn't take the replacer, tried the electrolyte slammed the first pint wanted more, gave him a second, then snuck the replacer back in and he drank that, figure that he likes sugar. He was up the entire time & active, then got him to follow me around for about 5 minutes in circles in the stall, he is back laying down with the fan on him now. His belly looks much better now. His mom is flipping out pissed but I really don't care at this point, I'm trying to do what is best for him.
A question is the eltrolyte more important or the milk replacer, I know in people you will die from dehydration quicker than starvation, is it the same idea, where hydration is more important than food ?


New Member
Dec 8, 2010
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I'd give him the electrolytes for the remainder of the day, then tomorrow give him some replacer, but only half strength. Make a pint of replacer like normal and add a pint of electrolytes to it.

If all goes well, no scours, tomorrow, I'd make a pint and a half of replacer, and add half a pint of electroyltes.

the next day, if all is well, go to full replacer, but add a little yogurt (activia is what I use) or probios to the mix.

Mike Fronczak

Chillin' with the herd
Jan 8, 2012
Reaction score
My day went from rocky to god only knows. We were/are supposed to go to/be in my sisters wedding out of state on Friday, Thursday pm is tge rehersal. My wifes uncle (he raised the steers with me last year, has raised horses, pigs, never young calves though),was originally going to just come over fill/check water & check cows and chickens, he said he was good with taking the calf to his house & putting him in a horse stall over there (so he only had to come over to check others once a day) and coming over to water the other animals.
We are in final stages of situating everything, my son comes in and says "we have another baby calf", my first thought was this calf snuck out of the stall into the pasture. Nope, the third (and last) pregnant cow delivered a little girl. The good news is this one & mom have their act together already feeding as she should be. The mom who's calf we had to bottle feed was interfering some so she is now in with our bull & steer for the time being. Our bull is freaking out with all the hormones in the air, not getting agressive just lots of belowing, following her around, etc.
The bad news is I dont feel right dumping this off on my uncle, so I'm sticking around to make sure the first 24-36 hrs go ok, sent my wife, kids & sitter (family friend), planning on making the trip once the first 24/36 hours passes. On a good note the one on the bottle is doing very well, taking bottle while standing on his own, he can polish off 2 quarts now with no problem & chase you for more, urinating & pooping, thank you for all the help. Hopefully things settle down.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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Any chance you could try to pawn the little "orphan " dude off on the new mom? Might make life a whole lot easier....if she is a mellow and accepting sort.....Maybe if the calf will nurse, your uncle could tie up the new mom for a few minutes a few times a day so he could nurse???? I don't have cows (I do want one ), but that would be my first thought to try.
Good luck with him. Good luck with the wedding too :)