Overrun with beasties
This is very interesting because two weeks ago my friend had to put pony down and the vet suspected this sickness that horses can get ...exspecially if they live close to swamps ...or wet area's....its from snails and slugs....a week later the same vet put another horse down in our same area under the same symptons and this time the horse was sent to the local Agriculture University of Guelph for an Atopsy..still waiting to hear what the results are ...supposely there has been cases along the eastern states and some in eastern Canada ...
For the horses there is a vaccination I think called Potomax...(sounds like probably and spelled wrong...)
Pretty sad ....it devistated my friends to have a perfectly healthy pony and have it go down so fast ....with confusing symptons ...almost like it was posioned.... RIP Little Black Beauty
For the horses there is a vaccination I think called Potomax...(sounds like probably and spelled wrong...)
Pretty sad ....it devistated my friends to have a perfectly healthy pony and have it go down so fast ....with confusing symptons ...almost like it was posioned.... RIP Little Black Beauty