Herd Master
You're making me want to try crocheting again -- I made some scarves and a baby blanket a couple eons ago - LOL nothing special just the one simple little stitch.
Well… we got you to get back into African violets, why not crochet?You're making me want to try crocheting again -- I made some scarves and a baby blanket a couple eons ago - LOL nothing special just the one simple little stitch.
Oh gawd --- does that mean I might switch to nice wool sheep??!?!! <oh no chicken math may apply>(Except you will get sticker shock at the price of yarn these days!
Post in thread 'Finnie- Finally A Journal'
Just doing a test of this link.
Edit: it works
Second Edit: but, it doesn’t work when I try to put it into the index at the front of the journal. Odd.
Third edit: if I paste it in normally it works. The problem must be to do with using the chain link icon.
That would be the blind leading the blind!
Above my pay grade..... wish someone like you was near to teach me some of this stuff...
Convert HEIC photo format to JPEGI thought you were some kinda genius and would know how to convert my Iphone 14 photos which are dot HEIC to dot jpeg.