First Goat a rescue with mouth disorder


Overrun with beasties
Oct 7, 2011
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uchytil said:
Well here's the report from a 3 hour vet visit. She's estimated to be about 6 months old and is a Toggenburg as I suspected. She had foot rot but the vet showed us how to trim the hooves and now those look good thanks to my wife. The vet x-rayed the jaw and it is infected. She got a CD&T shot, blood was drawn for serum CL and other tests, Her lymph nodes are swollen and the vet lanced one to check fluid color which was normal. I was am in charge of administering antibiotic shots daily for 5 days and a pill that is given orally for coc (somerthing) that showed up in the fecal test. If the jaw does not heal and reform (bone is also broke) the vet will be doing surgey to remove necrotic tissue, teeth and bone. We named her Shirley Sweet (I was thinking of the old Heidi movie and the swiss goats, lol! At this point she's with us for the long haul.

About the CL. If she has it it's a very bad thing and will never be able to be around cattle, other goats, or horses, and will never get to be bred or produce milk. I can live with that.
The pill is for coccidiosis, more than likely. Good thing he checked her for that, it can run a goat down and weaken them. I am so glad she was able to get seen, and I really hope she is CL negative! Hopefully her lymph nodes are just swollen in response to her jaw infection, rather than CL. Did the vet give you a second CDT vaccine, so in two weeks you can booster her? If not, it is available at TSC or any livestock store for about 5$ for a 10 dose vial.

breezy B ranch

Chillin' with the herd
Nov 28, 2011
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She is very blessed that you rescued her!! Maybe she is jumping because she is lonely? They are herd animals and need a friend. You may also try getting large empty cable spools for her to jump on. We got ours for free on craigslist. Maybe that would entertain her by jumping on them and not over the fence lol!! Good luck and keep us posted! Can't wait to see pics!!:D


Just born
Aug 13, 2012
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Stacykins - She (the vet) want her back in two weeks for the booster CD&T plus to re-check the jaw issue for possible surgery. W#e hope that the antibiotics clear up the infection and the jaw fuses and no surgery is required.

Thanks for the feeback guys - I'll get a picture of her shortly and post it.