Ridin' The Range
OH!! Congrats There is probably like 10 in there or something LOL My does are starting to drive me INSANE with their stupid lack of mothering. I sold a Cali doe because it was a good profit and she was a good fit for the lady getting started. She was bred to my Mini Satin. Well while I am here losing whole litters to mothers deciding to pull fur a day late, SHE had 12 healthy kits. She lost one of them, but 11 of them are doing FAB for her. I am happy that the lady is having a good experience for her first one, but am really getting annoyed with my girls!
X2 on this! My one giant chin buck finally got the deed done after trying for 3 months. Now I need to try my NZW who was sterile too. I really wish I had someone closeby who could help me learn to palpate. Then I wouldn't have to wait the whole month to see if they are bred. I know I know, I have TRIED reading how to do it. I still am lost. I need someone to show me and be like "THIS is a pregnant doe. Feel here, see that, yupp preggers. Now this is an open doe. Don't feel all that extra stuff do ya?"A lot of us are having a hard time with our bucks as the heat made many sterile for 90 days. Your NOT alone BarredBuff.