He never was this way until we took my doe away from him. Before then he was sweet, the kids would play with him and he NEVER messed with me. If he wasn't in the mood to be handled, he'd still let me with no problems. Since we've separated him he's even rammed me I just hate that he was so sweet and docile to now what I dreaded...a mean goat that out weighs me by 100 lbs. And I worry that he is going to stay this way
How old is he? I thought he would end up being aggressive based on earlier posts
How did the kids play with him?
Generally bucks don't get aggressive after being alone. Depressed? Maybe, but not this type of aggression.
Because of this behavior, you can NEVER trust this buck! Don't turn your back on him, and don't let your kids in with him.
A couple years back I bought this really nice lamancha buck. I saw him as a yearling and really liked him, so when he was available I pursued the opportunity. This buck was very "sweet". The owners would pet him and let the buck rub on them. I don't think they taught him how to respect people.
I got him as a 2 y/o. That "sweet" buck couldn't respect anybody's space, and when disciplined he acted terrible. That is why I'm a huge believer in teaching them YOUNG. It got to the point where he was extremely dangerous. He would try to take anyone on and could have killed somebody if he were given the chance. He didn't start as a mean buck, it progressed. So I do have to disagree with Babs on this, just because he was "sweet" before doesn't mean he will get sweet again. Not trying to cause an argument here, just posting my .02 because, sadly, I have been through it with a mean buck
Something I have learned with bucks is that life is short. Don't risk yourself for a dangerous animals. I almost got attacked by the buck above when he had gotten tangle in some wire. I'll just leave it at It's a darn good thing I could run fast and jump the 4 ft fence in time…
We had a friend's buck here waiting to go to slaugher. I had to go into his pen, and even though he seemed fine at first, he ran behind me and hooked my leg with his horn, right behind the knee- causing me to fall. He wasn't a huge buck but STRONG. Thankfully I was wearing my thickest pair of jeans that day. He completely shredded them. That would have been my legs and back had I been wearing light duty pants.
It took 2 fit, 6ft tall guys to pull him off of me.
I know several people who have been severely injured by boer bucks and another lady who was almost killed by a Nubian buck.
I have now become a huge believer in HOW they are raised up and like to get all my bucks as young as possible. I will (probably) never get an adult buck again. It seems like the older they are, the more behavior issues I need to work out. All our other bucks are great. I sell goats to people who have children, those buck need to have manner!
I'm not saying you should get rid of your buck tomorrow- just sharing what I have gone through. It's one thing to have a buck acting "bucky" that needs to be taught, but another to have an aggressive animal.
I appreciate all the opinions on here, and I know there can be differences, but they are all helpful.
DH and I have discussed what the bucks future may be. We haven't come up with any strong decision as of yet. Right now, I stay away and the kids do to. Unless I have something to fend him off with. If this behavior continues after the birth of the kids...he will go. Either for slaughter of our own, or sell for slaughter. As much as I can say I'm "attached" to him...I know his purpose. And when it comes to my safety or my children, sorry buddy - he will become a taco!
I'm still learning my buck and doe as far as breeding goes as well. He may, no matter how handsome looking, might not have the genes I need. I'm very interested in getting a Kiko buck in the future to blend. Bucks have one purpose only...breeding. And if they can't do that right, send them down the road. I'm also thinking of possibly using a stud buck, if there is such a thing? Where I won't have to worry about having a buck on site with my ladies aggravating them 24-7 and risking unplanned pregnancies with young does.
These are all things I will have to decide once the kids are born....whenever the heck that might be.
I did check on her this morning, and she was laying down, didn't get up right away. But as soon as the mention of sweet feed, she jumped right up. Silly fatty! I don't believe she can fit into the igloo any longer, I haven't seen her in it since the snow weekend. And she was struggling to get in and out of it then I swear...any day now
Our "sweet" lamancha buck was right around 2 when he started turning aggressive. I wish the owners realized that and corrected him when he was a younger buck!
Ok, just to warn you IF you decided send your buck to freezer camp- buck meat is
It tastes how buck smells- that isn't an exaggeration either. When you cook it, the whole kitchen smells of buck (ask me how I know this lol) So, if you decide to go that route, you might want to sell him to someone that enjoys that flavor sick!)
Unless, of course you like the taste of buck lol. If would be your first time trying goat meat, I don't recommend you eat the meat from an intact buck. It's a great way to turn you off from goat meat, which is quite good if they are a wether or doe
Many years ago in the "olden" days when we only had 3 goats we looked at doing the same thing. It was to great of a risk. We opted to get our own, tested, bucks to breed our does.
If you do find someone you are able to lease from, it would be wise to still have a buck pen, unless you are great at tracking the does heat cycles. If you want a reliable date to go by, you want to hand breed IOW only put them together when the doe is in heat, let the buck do the deed, and then remove him.
You need to go tell your doe the game is over and let those babies free
@Goat Whisperer Thank you for telling me about the buck meat. I can't stand the smell of a buck LOL and if that was in my kitchen I'd probably move!
There are some Hispanics that every time they come over they offer to buy him. I will talk to DH and see what he thinks.
About a buck pen...That is going to be such a hassle. Are your pens big? I don't think I have enough room right now to fence off a section just for him. How much room does 1 buck need to be free range and have enough to eat? I don't want to have to feed him hay all year long. If we can pen him up, I may keep him.
Checked on fatty this morning...still just fat. Udder looks huge. And as big as her teats are right now, I'm sure they have to be uncomfortable to her!! And the wait continues.
I'm back to dream land, had a dream last night that she had twins and I was there, it was beautiful. I hope at this point there is actually more than 1 kid, because I'd worry about how darn big 1 kid is going to be.