Update on mom. Kids are good.
Mom has still been leaking bright red blood since Saturday. I took her temp last night 106.2 Called the vet, they set out antibiotics and fever reducer. I gave both last night at 9pm, brought her temp to 104. This morning it is back to 105.8
I called the vet, they will be out to look at her at 12pm today.
Also - her bag has shrunk to a third of the size it was. This morning if I tried to produce milk to make sure she still has a steady flow, there is nothing. I can't even get a drop out of her. Now, the kids could have dried her out? Will she fill back up? DH is on the way to tractor supply as we speak to get milk replacement just in case.
I'm a mess. I'm at work, but I will leave to go meet the vet if DH cannot today at 12pm. Please keep MoonPie in your thoughts! Even though I know she cannot be feeling well, she's still trying to be a good mom to the kids. I am VERY concerned about her lack of milk production. What is normal?
OK. Vet came by. She still has a 106 fever. The vet checked her cervix and uterus. She is thinking uterine infection. She gave me 3 days worth of banamine for the fever and also 1 additional dose of the exceede antibiotic to give on Saturday. She told me I need to beef up her food. Shes very malnourished. I got her some alfalfa hay to mix into her regular hay. Also a goat mineral block. The vet gave her a b12 injection. Also gave instruction to get her into the pasture to free graze and stall the mean buck so she can move around and eat fresh.
I'm now back at work. Will let her free range once me and DH get home this afternoon.
Also, vet told me to supplement milk replacement 2 times a day while the doe is sick. She't not producing like she should. Could be due to the fever or also being malnourished. The kids are literally sucking her dry of everything!
It could be because she is sick, it could be because they are porkies, and it could be because of the feed. All three will play a part. I would NOT do a milk replacer. Use whole cow's milk, please trust me on this, they will do just fine on cow's milk from the grocery store. Milk replacer makes so many kids sick it is just crazy. And you might have a heck of a time getting those kids to take a bottle. Pritchard nipple and a plastic soda bottle is what you will need to feed them. My vet would have given the doe a uterine flush with tetracycline and possibly a uterine bolus. I hope the antibiotic works ok.
Do you have her on a good grain too? The Purina Goat Chow, the dairy parlor one, that they sell at TSC is good. Oh, and you need to let the kids keep on nursing to keep her stimulated or it may dry up her milk entirely.