Loving the herd life
Too cute congrats!
We use harnesses for baby goats.
This Nigerian baby would go on car rides and even to DH's work
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Another example harness is a bit small on this guy lol
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this harness was too big
Bahahaha!!! No worries!! Yay --- aren't they perfect?!?!LOL I am a dork... some times I get focused on one thing and miss another.
Thank you!!Too cute congrats!
i love the white ring caps at the base of their ears too!! heart has been taken lolThey are gorgeous! Love, love, love the blue eyes! I so want my herd sire to be polled and blue eyed... My eventual goal!
I have had chickens for about three years...started with just a couple and now have around 75 layers. What can Isay?
So...last weekend I got two three month old Dwarf Nigerians, cute little girls. They have not been handled at all and are very skittish. I want big grab handles on these things! They are freaking fast!
Right now they are in the barn because of this horrid arctic weather we’ve been “enjoying.” I went out this morning take warm water out and the goats were no where to be a locked barn, so I just about had a heart attack. Then my husband found them: I guess they got cold last night because they had built a straw cave under their sleeping bench and tucked it in around themselves.They are faster then you ever imagined arn't they! Welcome to BYH. If you can get them in a smaller pen until you get them tamed down that would help a lot for their future life and your sanity