Critter Addict ♥

Thank you, much needed.elevan said:
redtailgal said:
SmallFarmGirl said:
TTs Chicks said:maybe the guy you got it from will do the right thing ? We can hope/pray that he does . . . life isn't fair I know and some days I feel like giving up on everything, but when I stop and think about all the things I am blessed with (usually because someone has reminded me
) I start to calm down and then I start a new scheme/plan
My friend has a Buff Orp rooster that is the nicest thing ever. He has a loooowwww mellow crow and he will sit on your lap If invited. He is the only rooster and was raised with love and affection and I want him! I say buff. They're great for laying and some people do meat.fortheloveofgoats said:I was wondering, what is the best layer/meat bird? Is there such a thing as a rooster that doesn't crow much, is nice especially with kids, protects the hens? What do you guys use for feeders/water? Thank you. DH and I talked, he said that I can get some chickens. He knows it's not the goats that I want, but when we get the whole thing hopefully figured out with the van, we can get it figured out with the goats. I was also wondering, now that I am on the topic. What is better? To start off with a bottle baby or a pregnant doe? Thank you. Hope you guys have a great day! Take care and have a great weekend. Oh and what does your chicken coop look like? Nest boxes? We have had chickens before, just want to see if there are better ideas then what we had in the past.