Four Winds Ranch: " Life on the Farm "

Four Winds Ranch

Loving the herd life
Apr 13, 2012
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Well, we got the lambs all done out in the morning! :thumbsup
Took a load of straw bales to a distant neighbour and picked up our pony. Being at this ladies place for the summer definatly didn't do the pony, 'Lightning' any good!! He was hard to catch, and once I got him loaded, my DH reached in the front trailer door to grab a rope, and Lightning layed his ears flat back and took a big chomp of my DH arm!!! :ep He's never done that before!!!! :/ Once we got home, I undid Lightning's rope from the front trailer door (cause my DH won't reach in there again), as DH walks in the back of the trailer to lead him out. I untied the rope, my DH says " K, I got it we are coming out! " and suddenly I hear huge banging and smashing from inside the trailer, and the trailer starts rocking from side to side!!! :barnie I rush around to the back, and there is Lightning, reared up stricking my DH with his front hooves!!!!! :hide As my DH is backed up against the trailer wall, I grab the fallen lead rope and pull Lightning down and he follows me nicely out the door and I calmly lead him to a tree and tie him. I have NEVER had a horse act like this before, makes me wonder what happened to him, or how he has been treated!!! :smack :idunno Unfortunatly my DH now has a broken hand!!
We decided to run the big pigs into the butchershop instead of attempting them ourselves now that DH is a little gimped! Oh well, ya gotta do what ya gotta do!!! :hu

Four Winds Ranch

Loving the herd life
Apr 13, 2012
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
We had a BIT of a scare yesterday!!!!!!! :hide

It was our Annual 4-H Weigh-In. My DH is an assistant leader, so we had to be there early! We got my DD steer loaded and drove down the road a bit, to pick up the neighbor girl's steer, as they don't have a trailer. And off to the Weigh-In we went! :) Unfortunatly it had been snowing all night, so of course the roads were horride, but we got there, and both steers weigh-in pretty good! (DD was very proud as her steer weighed in the heaviest out of both the clubs at over 900 lbs, she is positive Grand Champion is heading her way!!!) :clap
At Weigh-In, the 4-H steers and heifers are checked to make sure they meet 4-H requirements, and the neighbor girl's steer had the start of a set of horns coming, so he had to be dehorned. :sick Once alll the 4-H animals had been checked and all the info recorded, we checked the two steers in the trailer and headed home!!!
Our plan was to unload our steer first, then take the other girl's over to her house. We backed up to the steer pen and opend the trailer door to let "Washington" (DD's steer) out. :ep :ep :ep The whole 20 ft trailer floor was a pool of blood!!!!!!! :barnie The neighbor girl's steer had hit his freshly dehorned horn stub on the trailer on the way home!! It wasn't just dripping blood, it was running blood!!!!! Scaringly fast, ya could fill a cup in 10 seconds!!!!!! As my DH phoned the vet to meet us in town, I poured blood-stop powder on the horn stub...... didn't even slow the blood down! :hide I grabbed a bunch of white flour and poured it on..... no success!!!!! :he Got a bunch of flour in a lot of papertowels on the stub with vetwrap holding it on, and my DH was ready to drive! Unfortunatly the vet is a 30 min drive! :( We drove, bad weather and bad roads but we finally made it and thanks goodness the steer was still standing!!!
The vet got the bleeding stopped with some sort of spray, took bood tests to see how much blood was lost and all that stuff. The steer is home now, in his stall. He just needs Iron vit. shot every couple days!
All I can say is "Thanks goodness cows have a lot of blood!" :idunno

And this morning, we have 20 inches of snow now, and it is still falling!!! :/ Winter is here for good!!!


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
:ep sucks about the steer glad he is ok. Not good on the stress levels though. How is lightening doing now he has been home? That really sucks about dhs hand. :hugs


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Wow! That would have been scary! Glad to hear she is OK!

Good luck to your DD on showing her steer too! He is a good looking animal. Hope she wins!

My DD wants to get into bovines, but one of the baby beef steers smacked her good with his head in the round robin. She still held his lead for dear life til they told her to let go. She was crying and had a huge red spot on her face, but she still likes them.

Four Winds Ranch

Loving the herd life
Apr 13, 2012
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Lightning seemed to settle down after he's been home for a few days!!! :thumbsup
Acctually, a couple young girls came today and picked him up for a few days! They are going to see if they like him cause they love riding ponies!!! I hope they decide they want him! It would be awesome if he found a loving home! :) He is too fast for my kids!
Tomarrow there is a lady coming who is 'probably' going to buy my old paint, Totem!! It will be a good home for him too! He is getting to old for what I need him for, and will fit perfect for this lady who needs a quite old boy, cause she has had a broken back from a previous horse accident!

On the hunting side of the farm!!!! Deer season is open in our area! :celebrate Two whitetail does for this girl!!!! :weeeOne for my DH! Yummmmm, tenderloin tonight!!!!!!:drool

Four Winds Ranch

Loving the herd life
Apr 13, 2012
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Well Rosie the big pig momma finally popped!!!! :celebrate Of course she had to go into labour in the middle of the night on one of our coldest nights yet (-15C)! So the first 2 ended up to cold and didn`t make it :( but over the course of the day, she had 15!!! :clap This is actually going to be the poor old momma`s last litter as she is getting up there in years and her birthing times are getting longer and longer with more casualties every time. :( I will see if I can get some cuter piglet pics in a couple days!!

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