The people I got them from told me the 2 big ewes are Dorper, and the smaller ones are Dorper/kahtadin! The little ones look to be Kahtadin, but I don't know what the 2 ewes are! Anyone with any ideas? I will run a thread inthe forum and ask! It is the first time owning white sheep!
Well, Buffy lambed yesterday night!! Twin rams!!!
Unfortunatly, one is a bit runty, so needs some special attention!
And last night, it got to -30 C, so even a heat light wasn't doing trick so I had to bring Runty in the house! (I am hoping his mommy will take him back) I would
Well, Runty ended up develping pneumonia! Which he thankfully recovered from, but as a result, he as been away from his Mom too long! She doesn't remember the poor little guy! I guess we now have a bottle lamb! Oh well! They are cute!