Free Rang Rabbits?


Ridin' The Range
Jan 26, 2011
Reaction score
Webberville, MI
I haven't raised rabbits in a colony style per say, but I have weaned all of my babies, tattooed them, and put them all in a horse stall. It was about 12 babies plus three "teenaged" does who had grown up together. It was the cutest thing I'd ever seen! I put a poultry waterer in there and three huge crocks of pellets and hay in two spots, they loved it. The older does loved on the babies and everyone played and ran and jumped and were extremely happy. When 8 of the babies were sent off to be butchered, it sort of got mopey for a day, then everyone had to graduate to cages because my folks needed the stall. It was very fun while it lasted! I'll definately do it again when I get back into breeding.

Right now I have a Checkered Giant loose in my apartment, its not technically free range but she is running around and happy. I can't catch her though.