Full House Farms kidding thread- Single, twins and triplets!


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Sorry for the loss of the one, but a great "haul" over all. :clap Love baby goats! :love


True BYH Addict
Jul 16, 2012
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Florida- land of the endless parasites
Kidding finished up with a surprise on Thursday (7th) - and in true goat fashion.

We were watching Queeny around 4pm and since she was still trying to steal Gwen's baby we put her in the kidding pen and let Gwen and her three out with the others. Queeny looked like she was going to kid before midnight.

My 10 year old son went to the back goat pen and yells, "Trixie is having contractions." My daughter skeptically ran back there to check since she wasn't due until the 13/14th. Sure enough, laying in the bedded down horse stall being very vocal every few minutes. Got the larger kidding stall ready for her and moved Queeny to the smaller one. Walked her up (200 ft or so) and started to see a bubble. Pushed out 2 DOELINGS in less than 20 minutes. 30 minuntes later Queeny had two bucklings. One was almost 5#. Other was just over3#, but she did great.

So, in one fell swoop we are done with kidding until late January other than Ginger who *should* be due before mid-January based on Biopryn test. She just doesn't look that close to me, but also has not come back into heat at all. I'll find some pics on my phone and post them later.

And some sad news. Last week we lost one of our bred yearling LMs. She was fine that night, and gone in the morning. We're taking it pretty hard since she was due around the 14th too and it was just so fast. We elected not to do a necropsy because of time/cost and we feel it isn't something that is a risk to the whole herd.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
So sorry for your loss but grats on the new arrivals.


True BYH Addict
Jul 16, 2012
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Florida- land of the endless parasites
It's been busy! All the babies are growing up. Aravis's October babies have both gone to their new homes. One as a pet wether companion to a doe and another as a herd sire to a friend's farm. Vicey's Saanen baby is 8 weeks old. Because something always have to give, she broke her leg last week. We have no idea how, but we found her two hours before our health certificate apt with the Vet so she got an xray and splint. She hasn't seemed to miss a beat. The 11 Nigerian babies are all doing well as are the two Lamancha doelings. We had a big show last weekend. Wattles (Blue Sky) took Best of Breed in the Youth show and 1st in class in the open show. Our Nigerians were 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th in the 3-4 year old class of 10. We also have 1st in the over 5 year olds. Lots of other wins and the kids brought home around $700 combined.

Now we have three on baby watch and another soon.
Ruby the 6 yr old LM is due the 25th (150 days) and Leena the 31 (145 days) and Lilly the 5th (145 days). Aurora (Ruby's almost 2 yr old second freshener daughter) is due Feb 12 (150) which should be exciting since we will be at the State Fair (it's only 15 min away from the farm) from the 8-11th. I'm guessing twins for Ruby again, though she had triplets two years ago when she had Aurora. Leena kidded over a year ago at another farm and looks like she has quite a load. Lilly is a FF Drinian/Queen daughter who probably only has 1-2 if I had to guess. Aurora probably has 2. She's looking nice.

So- watch for updates. Hopefully Ruby babies before Sunday. And I'' try to post some show photos.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Congrats on the great show results! :caf:pop on pics :)


True BYH Addict
Jul 16, 2012
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Florida- land of the endless parasites
So I have been lax in updating. Something about milking 9 every morning, four human kids, etc.

So, Ruby had a big (11 lb at one day old!) single buckling January 25. She's making tons of milk for us and he is quite the little feisty guy. He's holding his own hanging out with all the 7-9 week old babies.

Leena (ND 2nd freshener) was at day 148 on Friday so we were on high alert and that morning I figured she'd have them sometime before 10pm. I noticed Lilly (FF who I saw bred and due the 7th according to my dates, but was with the buck when Leena was too) looked like her ligaments were gone and her udder has looked tight for a day or two. So we were checking on Leena and hanging outside and heard a scream. You guys know it- the "there's a baby comin out and it hurts" scream. Run in and it's... Lilly. She popped out a big (almost 4#) light tan breech boy and a smaller black almost 3# boy with a slight sneeze a few minutes later. Sire is tan and white and she and her dam are chocolate bucksin and her sire is tan and white so the black is surprising but he's our little favorite! Two hours later I checked Leena and she had a breech baby presenting with back hocks. Helped that girl out breech and then she had 2 more. Two girls and a boy and they are all light tan. I have to check gender and wattles (onegirl and the boy have them) to figure out which baby is which they are all within a few oz of 3 lbs so basically the same size.

I'l post pictures from my phone shortly.

Arie (Lamancha) is due next on the 12th. She's Ruby's daughter who kidded a mini Lamancha last year at 11 months because she jumped into the buck pen. I was disappointed that she missed getting her milk star by 60ish#, but then realized she earned it for protein and butterfat! Not bad for kidding at 11 months- and she was a smaller triplet too. Excited to see what she does this year. She will show as an under 2 yr old second freshener this year if she kids before the fair and also at another show we have in Feb.