Loving the herd life
Our one idiot neighbor stopped over one day shortly after we got our rather large partridge cochin rooster. He sauntered over and asked, "Is he a Rhode Island Red?"
"What is he?
"Ain't never heerd o' one o' them" (He's lived in MI 15 years and still insists on speaking with a southern accent)
"They're a Chinese/Vietnamese meat breed." He would never understand ornamental.
"Vietnam, eh? I oughta shoot him." Followed up by an ethnic slur reserved for the Vietnamese.
He's no longer welcome over here.
"What is he?
"Ain't never heerd o' one o' them" (He's lived in MI 15 years and still insists on speaking with a southern accent)
"They're a Chinese/Vietnamese meat breed." He would never understand ornamental.
"Vietnam, eh? I oughta shoot him." Followed up by an ethnic slur reserved for the Vietnamese.
He's no longer welcome over here.