fuzzi's "Gardens and Chickens...and Goats? Oh My!" Journal and More Thread


True BYH Addict
Golden Herd Member
Sep 20, 2024
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Eastern NC
Brrr. I just went outside again, to check on the waterers, give the flock some greens, and check for eggs.

The entire flock was on the west side of the hoop coop where they could take a sun bath, and where the wind is blocked by the A-frame roost. Smart chicks!

They got fresh water (there was an ice skim on all their waterers), a few cheese cracker crumbs, and more cudweed, yum!

No eggs yet today, but one of the pullets generally lays around 3pm.

Thermometer is reading about 40°F, but the wind is frigid, numbed my face. I will check for eggs later, though it might not be until after dark when I walk the dog.


True BYH Addict
Golden Herd Member
Sep 20, 2024
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Eastern NC
I noticed that your avatar had changed and fell in love with that woman's face. Nice to hear its related to you in a very meaningful way.
I don't know who she was besides a model, but the painting is titled “The Easter Bonnet (Margherita)". It was painted sometime between 1940 and 1960.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Loooong day yesterday. I was at the hospital at 8:30am because I needed to talk to the hospitalist and someone from case management. The former didn't show until after 10, the latter finally called me after 12. Bed etc. to be delivered to my house by 3:45 (not acceptable) while the hospitalist said it probably would be delivered the same day. I explained that I couldn't go ahead with the discharge until I knew there was a bed there. "He's not a puppy, I can't just take him home and put him in a box!"

My sarcasm was wasted, I think.

I also voiced concern about Ron's agitation that led the hospital staff to put him in restraints. "Oh, that won't happen" says the all-knowing, omniscient physician :rolleyes:.

Bed delivered at 2:30, good! Now we can get going!

Nurse came by with discharge papers about 3pm. Ron was dressed, happy, ready to go. Nurse gave him his meds early, to help us with transport and getting him settled at home. "We're just waiting on his prescriptions, pharmacy should be sending them shortly".

Thirty minutes, forty five minutes, an hour passed, no meds. The pharmacy said they were "on the way". Ron's night meds kicked in and he was out of it, woozy, before transport :rolleyes:

Finally meds arrived, nurse brought a wheelchair and wheeled Ron to the entrance. He was so spaced out that he kept trying to get out of the wheelchair while it was moving. I brought the car to the main door, and we managed to get Ron in the seat.

I headed home, rush hour traffic, getting dark. It's 5pm. Yep, two hours after discharge. Ron's playing with everything he can reach while I am trying to pay attention to the other drivers.

We made it home without incident, thank You Lord.

When I got home Ron couldn't walk. It took two of us to get him up the steps and into the house, he was deadweight. Dropped the rail and lowered him onto the bed. About an hour later he said he was hungry, so we helped him to the kitchen table (10' away) and he ate. While our friend Bill stood by the table watching Ron I grabbed a clean sheet and pillow and made the bed. I got him back in the bed where he fidgited for a while before sleeping.

I spent the night in the recliner next to the bed, helped him out to toilet twice, but otherwise it was an uneventful night.

I won't be able to go back to work without an overnight sitter, or our son taking the overnight shift and me hiring a day sitter. Bill is not physically able to do more than minor assistance, but he has the baby monitor in his room, which is a BIG help.

I'm not sure of what tomorrow holds, but I do know Who holds tomorrow, and that helps so much.

Sorry for the long post, thanks for all the prayers and well wishes.
:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs to you both...


True BYH Addict
Golden Herd Member
Sep 20, 2024
Reaction score
Eastern NC
Thank you all for the comments about my grandmother's paintings. I wish I had more than one, but when she passed away things turned greedy-grabby.

I'm in tears today. It appears that Ron's definitely declining. He's comfortable but not talking. We were hoping he'd get back to his baseline once he got home but it doesn't appear to be happening. I'm praying for God's will, have been praying for Ron to have peace, comfort, grace. He's got all that. He couldn't remember his birthday today when the nurse came by, but he knew it while he was in the hospital. Meds haven't changed, but he has.

I think I need to call his sisters.

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