Herd Master
Has your weather changed this year? Excessively wet or hot weather can cause problems that have been dormant for years. I use regular pink kaopectate for goat scours. I used to buy it in the gallon size at the dairy store cheaper - but human stuff works well. (Dairy farmers supply store - not people dairy LOL) Also give lactobaccilis and paste electrolytes available at the feed store. The Kao stops the diarrhea, the lactobacillis gets the gut back in proper working order, and the electrolytes replace what the kid/calf loses through scouring. If this simple remedy doesn't work, you may be looking at coccy or e.coli.
Samantha: For rabbits scouring, I pull all feed, hay and grain. I give the rabbits a dish of wood shavings, and gradually add straw. This was an old remedy taught me by a follow who started breeding rabbits in 1900. If they are just starting on scours, or are nursing kits, try just adding some shavings in their cage. When they scour they will devour the shavings. the low protein, high carbon roughage seems to help their guts. Once the scours clear, I start out slow with low protein pellet (Since you have angoras your pellet might be 18% or more rather than 16%. This pulled my barn through about 20 years when we had some sort of enteritis going through the state via rabbit shows. One show and the entire barn had it. The shavings worked the best. It took a little while to get them back up to weight afterwards since scours simply sucks condition from rabbits. I was lucky since some people lost half their herds from scours. Out of a barn of 70 I didn't lose anyone. It is an old remedy but works.
Samantha: For rabbits scouring, I pull all feed, hay and grain. I give the rabbits a dish of wood shavings, and gradually add straw. This was an old remedy taught me by a follow who started breeding rabbits in 1900. If they are just starting on scours, or are nursing kits, try just adding some shavings in their cage. When they scour they will devour the shavings. the low protein, high carbon roughage seems to help their guts. Once the scours clear, I start out slow with low protein pellet (Since you have angoras your pellet might be 18% or more rather than 16%. This pulled my barn through about 20 years when we had some sort of enteritis going through the state via rabbit shows. One show and the entire barn had it. The shavings worked the best. It took a little while to get them back up to weight afterwards since scours simply sucks condition from rabbits. I was lucky since some people lost half their herds from scours. Out of a barn of 70 I didn't lose anyone. It is an old remedy but works.