Chillin' with the herd
I too am interested in getting into hogs. One thing to keep in mind that we considered when looking at hogs is size. Large blacks are huge which by its self is not an issue because many have great personalities but remember a hog that big is super hard on fences, if one dies back in your property it can be a heck of a time getting it out. Transporting them is more difficult. They can injure children and your animals more easily just by accident. Everything about those extra large breeds is just harder then with a smaller breed. Since neither myself or my husband are super big burly people, and we plan to have children and other animals around, we decided to go with the Guinea hog which has most of the same great features of the large black but with out the poundage. I grew up working stallions, drafts, super hot blooded warmblooded etc so I am used to working with massive animals but hogs are a whole 'nother level of powerful. Just something I found helpful to think about.
Please keep us updated on how your farm goes! We are just setting our place up as well.
Please keep us updated on how your farm goes! We are just setting our place up as well.