I think I got some convincing, I noticed Ginger's udder was a bit bigger, so I crouched down on her side with her head to my right and her backside to my left and began gently feeling around, when I was kicked, more than once. I believe there may be only one as it seems like a lot of open space in there as well. I could be wrong though. I talked to the person whom I got her from and they rechecked their records. She aborted at the end of February. Not January, they had her mixed up with another FF who had aborted. So that gives her anywhere from March to June that she could have been bred. March would put her in August. They said she had no udder development when she aborted, she had a little(as you can see from the pictures) when I got her. Now it is the size of a large orange small grapefruit. If she didn't get bred again until just before I got her, it would be November. I am doubting that it was the later of the two. But I am not conviced it would be August either. Here are some new pictures of her, she was not very cooperative when it came to her girly parts, I think I took 10 pictures and this is the best one I also had to hold her tail up, everytime I tried to take the picture she would try to run. Her top view and udder pictures came out pretty good though.
What do you all think? Any guess as to when she would be due?
I am starting to look forward to the possiblility of her having kid(s). Although I know even though she is CAE/CL neg I will probably have to bottle feed. She is still terribly unfriendly. A "Don't touch me even if you have treats...just put them on the ground and walk away...." goat. The other two that came with her are very friendly. She is not mean just, well not nice....I will win her over eventually
I would rather her not have horns, she uses them quite frequently. (on the other goats not me). I am currently looking into removing them before she gets any older.
I had a scur removed on a buck once. The vet said it was really a horn. It was THE MOST horrible experience I have ever had with an animal. They had to saw off the top of his head. You could see down into his sinuses. If she isn't friendly now she will hate you forever if you do this to her. Even with all the care and attention I gave my boy it still got infected and then it was really a pain to take care of. It was almost a year before it healed and the sinuses closed over all the way. Poor guy, he would snort and pus, mucous, snot, would come out the top of his head.
Seriously think about what you are doing to her. I will never ever put an animal through that again. I disbud them as kids or they keep the horns. Trust me, it was awful.