Ferguson K

Herd Master
Aug 3, 2015
Reaction score
We're retaining all does this year, and eating or selling the bucks. Also going to start looking for a new buck for next year for this years kids.

I also may or may not have just put a deposit down on two registered Alpine. :hide don't show this to my husband.


True BYH Addict
Oct 14, 2015
Reaction score
Blythewood, SC USA
Okay. I saw the word sell. "Sell" and "goat" cannot be used together. It's like "too much" and "cheese" or "pizza". In much the same way you cannot be a "little bit" pregnant, or "almost" a virgin, one cannot "sell" a goat. If the net result of a goat transaction is not an increase in the number of goats one has, or at least maintaining the status quo, the deal has not been properly handled. You people confuse me and I think you need help.

BTW, I am pretty sure that my "goat addiction" is just something my DH convinced me of because he doesn't want to get anymore animals right now. We still only own 2 goats, and the one (s) we may be planning to buy are just so we can have milk and we're gonna stud for our friend Mark's does ('cause he wants his does in milk-not because we actually WANT 1st choice of babies) and stud for Mark's friend's doe because they want milk (not 'cause we want one of those babies). The fact that we may end up with between 2 and 5 does by September, and maybe even 7 or 8 does is by no means an indication of a problem. We want milk, and self-sufficiency, and that is best obtained by owning one's own goats. The baby(ies) that we will be getting in exchange for stud service will certainly not be providing any milk for almost 2 years from now, so our milk must have another source. Hence the need for 1 or more adult does ready to breed to our stud, and we need at least one completely unrelated doeling for our boys. The adult does will be Nubian and LaMancha, since Kim and I have decided that we actually need to add one doe of each of those breeds to our herd. This is an ABSOLUTE NECESSITY, not some irrational idea. I cannot understand why my son seems to think I am paranoid, I do not need to answer to anyone for any goat purchases or breedings that may soon take place. I have no intention of owning more than 8 or 10 goats any time soon, and that is certainly not too many. SO THERE!!! :hide

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina

I understand.
I am selling 3 goats.
The fact that I am retaining a dozen has no baring on anything... nor does buying a buck or two or another doe. It IS all with a purpose. Eventually I will sell some of them. I NEED genetic diversity. I also need to add because I have a buck that I have no does for and some does that I have no buck for.

My DH sees the logic in all of this. Therefore we are moving onto more land... ;)