Overrun with beasties
My goats go after the chicken feed every chance they get.
They prefer medicated... 

So, if your chook feed is not medicated, contains no animal proteins(which mine does not) and they only take an occasional snoot full like the OP's and are not getting fed this as a feed ration...then its okay?username taken said:alot of chicken feed will contain RAM - Restricted Animal Material. Basically, proteins derived from animal protein, meat, blood or bone meal etc. because chickens are omnivores they benefit from a bit of animal protein in the diet, pigs are the same. but the animal protein will burn out the goats liver and kidneys, and also it is illegal to feed RAM to ruminants because of the health hazards to people, so all of that is #1 reason not to feed chicken feed to ruminants.
#2 reason is the medication - most of the time for coccidiosis, and although usually it is the same stuff which is needed for goats (goats benefit from coccidiostat too) sometimes it is formulated differently for chickens and may have additives/whatnot which dont get along well with the goats
#3 reason is the mineral/vitamin composition of chicken feed - and this is why the 'dont feed goats chicken feed' rule applies to grain only scratch mixes as well as other chicken feeds. simply put, a chicken's mineral/vitamin needs are very different to the needs of a goat, and the feed is formulated especially to meet the needs of the chickens, but it will not be what the goat requires.
I would hesitantly say its ok, and it just depends on how often the occasional snoot full is. With your feed you are only dealing with issue #3, the mineral vitamin imbalance. This WILL build up over time and you might find yourself with problems 3 - 4 years down the track. So, best to avoid it completely if you can. But not the end of the world if it is only very, very occasionally (and by that I mean once every few months).Beekissed said:So, if your chook feed is not medicated, contains no animal proteins(which mine does not) and they only take an occasional snoot full like the OP's and are not getting fed this as a feed ration...then its okay?username taken said:alot of chicken feed will contain RAM - Restricted Animal Material. Basically, proteins derived from animal protein, meat, blood or bone meal etc. because chickens are omnivores they benefit from a bit of animal protein in the diet, pigs are the same. but the animal protein will burn out the goats liver and kidneys, and also it is illegal to feed RAM to ruminants because of the health hazards to people, so all of that is #1 reason not to feed chicken feed to ruminants.
#2 reason is the medication - most of the time for coccidiosis, and although usually it is the same stuff which is needed for goats (goats benefit from coccidiostat too) sometimes it is formulated differently for chickens and may have additives/whatnot which dont get along well with the goats
#3 reason is the mineral/vitamin composition of chicken feed - and this is why the 'dont feed goats chicken feed' rule applies to grain only scratch mixes as well as other chicken feeds. simply put, a chicken's mineral/vitamin needs are very different to the needs of a goat, and the feed is formulated especially to meet the needs of the chickens, but it will not be what the goat requires.