Goat owner-wanna-be quesions!


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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That sounds a bit too low to me. In the winter, you're unlikely to feed them on grass unless you're in the south. My four go through about 1/3rd a bale a day without grazing (no room--long story on that), so if you don't graze, run out of grass or have tough winters, you're going to run about a bale a week for two goats. Plus grain.
What I posted earlier is just what I personally went through with my goats.

I had, at the time, 2 full grown nigerians that only got less than a 1/2 cup of grain a day...one was a wether and only got a mouthful or two. My girl wasn't producing, so a dry nigerian doe only needs a little grain, just enough to stay in good condition. Bambi was a growing baby so she got grain too. At just a few ounces a day, #50 lasts a very long time, so you don't count the expense of the whole bag every month, either the month you buy it or average out how much you use a month and divide the cost.

Together Joey and Janie only ate about 1/2 flake of hay per day. Once I added the nubian baby I increased the hay to 1 flake a day and as she grew added more. By the time she was grown we were using 2 bales a month . The food lasted a pretty good amount of time and my animals were in great health. I have always had some waste hay too so they aren't starving......when they waste is more, I cut back some, when it seems to be mostly gone I offer more. I have found that certain bales and flakes stretch farther or last longer.

The OP was asking how much it cost to feed 2 goats....This is how much I averaged when I had 2 adult nigerians and one baby nubian. I didn't add the cost of minerals or wormers, etc...I am in central CA so I don't have any green grass right now, but the goats do love the dry (and some green) weeds as snacks. I also have some trees they browse on occasionally.