Goat Whisperer's & SBC's kidding thread: kidding storm

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
This has been crazy! :barnie
Rain all week so far. Today we had tornado watch that moved to warnings... the radio kept doing that beeeeeeeeeeeeeep and then the announcement. Crazy storms too.

The biggest issue is we are trying to get 12 goats ready for the RM show.
I had lots of company over the weekend and was pretty exhausted. Monday I could not do any clipping.
Tuesday went slow... I got 2 done
Today I did 3 and a half.
Tomorrow I need to do the rest! I will get it done but :th

The van is ready, crates are ready.
Ruby's kidding stall - ready.
Cameras- NOT ready

Our hay guy has the flu so DS had to take off work early to get us hay in the POURING DOWN RAIN! (1000 lb square)
DH was out of town- back now thankfully!

I have to hem some show whites, prep clothes and iron them.

Yesterday Goat Whisperer dropped 350 lbs on her foot! She loaded up the feed on the cart but the cart tipped and came straight down on her foot! Thankfully she had on the MUCK Boots!
Foot is ok but looks nasty and so bruised and swollen.
So glad she didn't break it!

Told her IF she would have that she would be on Ruby kid watch and milking and I would have to go to the shows! Not wasting all those fees! :lol::lol::lol:
I think she was scared of the thought I might have to had shown! :lol::lol::lol:

I love to watch and I would take in any goat if someone needed help and I would give it my best but I don't have the ability like GW or little DD.

The goats, who are usually great for clipping have been TERRIBLE! I mean TERRIBLE! I have no idea why... maybe all the rain, they are ansy and probably not happy about not getting out and then stuck on a stand. IDK :idunno

Charlotte did NOT want to walk through the soaked ground! I still have to do her head and some of her neck tomorrow, and she did NOT get her bath yet either. UGH!
It was cute though... when we came around the corner some of the goats were climbing up on the fence in the barn... Ruby was one - I LOVE her! I love love love our goats!



Why the following pics? o_O I'll tell you.... RAINA! RAINA the I DON'T WANT TO BE A SHOW GOAT! I WANT TO BE A DRESSAGE HORSE! :barnie :lol:
Seriously Raina likes to dance... I call her the clogger girl but last night it came to me... NO- she is like one of those horse that dance in dressage ( sorry I am not a horse person but I think that is what it is...) I googled these pics because this is what she does. Raina is a nut and our most comical goat! She is always doing something to make you laugh when she isn't being a diva.
She will probably do terrible at the show because this is what she does... everything is a game... but she is going anyway... maybe just maybe she will walk like a goat! :fl:fl:fl


True BYH Addict
Feb 2, 2013
Reaction score
East TN
I think she was scared of the thought I might have to had shown! :lol::lol::lol:
:gig:gig:gigTalk about a great reason to NOT be hurt!

I hear you on the rain. There is soo much that we wanted/needed to get done this week and the rain is really interfering! At least it keeps it cooler, not like the 90+ at the show last Saturday. The goats do NOT like getting wet at all!

I'm going to pipe in here and hope :fl Ruby gives you at least 2 doelings. Maybe two doelings and a buckling...:duc


Milo & Me Hoppy Tail Acres
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
somewhere in the Northern region of Minnesota
We have had some major attitudes as well from all the rain and crabby butts from being forced to have wet ground. from head butting and wrestling to mounting each other and parkour off EVERYTHING, including me, we have had a LOT of acting out. Then to add to it they ripped the shelter roof apart and so now it leaks post fixing it... Because they were jerks. we are predicted to get even more rain and storms as well. :hit

Hope the foot gets better quick @Goat Whisperer

Good luck @Southern by choice on all you have to do yet and I can't wait to see some of those Ruby babies!


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
We have had our share of rain here too, along with tornado scares & hiding out in the central bathroom.. :thThe goat runs were a muddy, mucky mess!!! DH was finally able to muck it out & spread clean, dry straw yesterday. It is SO nice now! And we are supposed to get more rain this Saturday & Sunday! :th