Goat Whisperer's & SBC's kidding thread: kidding storm


True BYH Addict
Jul 16, 2012
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Florida- land of the endless parasites
LOL I don't care one way or another. I like brown eyes ;)
But he has produced blue eyes in 24 out of 24.

I don't hold much in the genetics area in high regard really... because more and more is learned all the time and what once was thought of one way has been shown to not be the case... but I know one thing...

A goat will always produce a goat... it will never be, or evolve into, a sheep or a dog or a monkey or man. :lol:

Haha! I have a doe that has given 100% waddles and has NEVER been bred to a waddled buck. Of coarse, she's also given 100% boys (6, three freshenings, three different bucks) so I'd like to see that change for sure!

Goat Whisperer

Herd Master
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
North Carolina
ONE day, when I find time (yeah, right) hopefully I can get pics up.

So hard to believe that I'm going to have to wean my little nigi's soon :hit(but maybe not Foxy Lady & Boots- the are from the quints-I am such a sucker for the little ones and can't handle them crying.....)

My 2 little girls from the quints litter are now 10 & 11lbs! They are growing quick!

Ruthies 2 doeling are bigger and they are chow hounds like their momma!

The lamancha kids...... I am so in love :love:love:love:love:love:love:love

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Longest labor we have ever had!
Zephyr was breathing hard ALL day... but no mucous, no plug... nothing. Would go in shelter and hide then come out then hide. The breathing was hard!
In pm we put her and Ruby in the stall together. Both due at the same time. We watched and waited knowing Zephyr would go and go all at once. She was so exhausted at this point we gave her Nutri-drench because she needed that energy to push!

And she did!

Literally plug water bag at same time and 2 seconds later a hoof while still loosing plug. :eek:

FF, she was pushing so hard... we knew it would be a single which always worries me but she is a small Lamancha bred for mini's so we thought it wouldn't be too bad even if it was a single.

She decides she doesn't want to lay down but stand instead.. we go with it.

Still one hoof and a mouth... um where is the other hoof?
Pushing and I am feeling for other hoof... nope.... leg is now sticking way out mouth is very visible and we see air bubbles!
Thinking ok this kid needs to come out now... leg way out other leg bent and back... Zephyr decides she doesn't want to do this anymore fortunately she had nowhere to go... but she was so weak she was trembling back legs shaking. :( Told GoatWhisperer to hold her up while I pull, I was afraid she would fall over and break the kid's leg sticking out. I am sitting behind her gently but very firmly pulling on leg and head.

This is when I realized my abdominal muscles need some work. :rolleyes:

GW has one hand on head and one under Zephyr. I have one hand pulling and the other supporting Zephyr's leg.

It was like in slow motion and if this part would have been on video it would have been hilarious. All at once kid comes out GW places hand under kid and is whisking it out of my hand over head through the air... as she let go of Zephyr as well as I did let go of her leg I fall back, Zephyr LANDS on top of me! Everyone within a 3 ft radius has been "fluidized"! :lol: Goat is on top of me !
I move her off and slide out from under her... we are all cracking up and at the same time just glad to have the kid out... quick peek and its a GIRL! :weee:weee:weee

Zephyr just laid there and was so exhausted she just went to sleep. I guess it is a good thing we were pulling her kid. :D
Poor baby! Within about an hour we got her colostrum milked out and fed her doeling. Zephyr is doing great and the kid acts like a 3 week old. Came out hungry and acts hungry every waking moment! ...and she is LOUD!

Meanwhile Ruby was pulling the I'm gonna kid... finally at the 2 am check I leaned over and told Ruby.. those aren't birthing pains you are moaning about honey... you have eaten so much today- as much as a cow- that is indigestion. :lol: Lay off the hay and go to bed!

So here are some pics of the girls together and of Zephyr and me on my butt after moving her off.

Certainly memorable! :p
March 1,2016 Zephyr kidding 011.JPG

Kidding budddies
March 1,2016 Zephyr kidding 026.JPG

Zephyr so tired but she is comforted by Ruby or us.
March 1,2016 Zephyr kidding 031.JPG

Went in much farther but other leg was bent and back
March 1,2016 Zephyr kidding 054.JPG

Once we saw air bubbles we were getting the kid out asap!
March 1,2016 Zephyr kidding 061.JPG

I am moved over but still on my butt... LOLL gotta check the sex! :p
March 1,2016 Zephyr kidding 062.JPG

Can you see how soaked my pants were? Of course it was the one time I DON'T wear my bibs! Too warm out for that.
March 1,2016 Zephyr kidding 063.JPG

Our little girl! :D =D
March 1,2016 Zephyr kidding 078.JPG

F-1 50/50 Miniature Lamancha (Registered)
March 2,2016 003.JPG


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Holy cow! Look at the size of that kid! She's gonna be a FULL sized mini! Congrats on a doeling! Glad it all came out well in the end!