Goat Whisperer's & SBC's kidding thread: kidding storm


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
She has kidded 3 times in the past, each time having quads or quints.
I am thinking triplets this time :weee
Big triplets? That is one wide load goat!!

Doesn't help that the grass is dormant- everything looks so dead.
Same here though it hasn't stopped the alpacas from thinking they can find something worth eating

Goat Whisperer

Herd Master
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
North Carolina
Just got this in! The goal is to have the kids on the lambar within a week. This is for the lamanchas & minus, we have another type on order. :weee

Went ahead and ordered 10 Pritchard nipples- need to pick up some silicone nipples from TSC (can’t find them anywhere else). Those are used to start them on the colostrum :)

Goat Whisperer

Herd Master
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
North Carolina
We could have babies in 1 week from tomorrow :weee

I did get to powerwash the kidding building last weekend, I didn’t have enough time to do it during the week. It was nasty :sick
I don’t usually use much soap in the buildings but it needed it… twice.
I rinsed, vacuumed, soap, rinse, vacuum soap, rinse, vacuum. This isn’t because of manure buildup either, we had used the building for our young bucks and they made it pretty rank while in rut. Just glad it’s done! I feel ahead of the game :D
Have a dozen bales of pine shavings waiting.

Going to install some more light fixtures too. I was in one of the buildings today and realized we have a 4ft light strip, new, in it’s box. So I’ll be putting that up, probably in the “maternity ward” part of the building.

Still waiting on our other lambar from Hoeggers. SBC talked to them and the Pritchard’s are on backorder (they are waiting on the vendor) but they are great and are sending out the lambar itself (since we already have some Pritchards). Really happy to be using this company again. They’ve been through so much and I’d love to see them back on their feet. They’ll send the rest of the order later.

Got some extra supplements to keep on hand, jumpstart (always get a new tube prior to kidding), shoulder length gloves, clear nipples, bottles & puppy pads… I’m sure I’m forgetting something LOL
TSC was out of Nutri- drench so will need to get some from SS. Everything else we already have in the goat cabinet.

I’m also really happy to find the GOOD bulb syringes. Now, y’all can laugh but when you pull kids at birth, and you are responsible for clearing the airways, it makes a difference.
I had one I really liked last year, but Rita snatched it and chewed it up :confused:
I haven’t been able to fine the type I like locally, but found a 3 pack on Amazon :cool:
So yes. I am very happy about that and laugh if you want. :p I’m happy- it’s the little things in life :lol:

The round bale hay feeder is working out great. The bale is lasting longer and is saving me time.

Also, I will probably post more in another post but we finally have found minerals that the does will eat. We have had a hard time finding something that they like. We’ve tried many different kinds and the goats never eat them like they should. A friend told us about a cattle mineral that her goats love, so we picked up a bag. We are on the second bag and they love it. Makes me feel better since they are carrying kids. We have fed about 25# in 2 weeks.

I am loving all the little udders coming on. Really excited about Raina. She’s looking great.

Since we are going to be on performance programs I went ahead and transferred Ruth & Leah to ADGA. Should have don’t that some time ago, I have had the transfer records for almost a year now :hide

Anyway, I’m excited. Babies are coming :weee
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Goat Whisperer

Herd Master
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
North Carolina
On another note- our does are complete brats. Hormonal snots. They are terrorizing each other. Millie took a cheap shot at Red doe yesterday and knocked her over. For no reason :he And Jane was following Leah around trying to butt her. Ruth and Bingo are being total babies though.

I might separate Millie and Mariah until some of the others kid.

CarolinaGirl, Clover, Boots, and Foxy have decided that they are going to sleep in the “baby pen” at night. Smart girls.
(The “baby pen” is where all the 2017 kids sleep. They go into this area at night so that they can have their own hay/feed and shelter without competition from the other does. )

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