Herd Master
Good luck staying safe everyone.
It's supposed to miss us. But things can change.Is this storm part of Hurricane Matthew? What about our members in Florida? @Green Acres Farm , @frustratedearthmother , I know there are others. I hope everyone stays safe.
It seems to change every few hours ... that's the weather.
@Green Acres Farm it looks as of late they are thinking FL will take the hit. Hopefully you are in an area not in the direct hit area.
Same for all our FL friends!
Actually it should just move out to sea... already so much devastation.Haiti and Cuba have had so much life loss. Waiting to see how the Bahamas fair. My LOVE is the island of Eleuthera.
I think she is on the gulf side of Florida, closer to Tampa.Yes @Fullhousefarm...that's the name. Gosh my memory is horrid. Thanks @Goat Whisperer for setting me straight. I hope they are ok.