Goat Whisperer's & SBC's kidding thread: kidding storm

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Ruby had a HOT date this evening! :D:D:D

Ruby has never not taken on a first breeding.
Since we got our young buck we have bred her and she hasn't taken. :(
Today she cycled right on the nose again 3weeks since her last cycle.
We brought Olaf up and this time I watched closely as to why and what is going on... basically every time there is never an arch or anything to show he actually bred her.
Well what I saw was something I have never seen... he mounts does all the right stuff EXCEPT he won't extend his pizzle by more than an inch... so he never actually breeds her.
Over and over til Ruby is wore out.


I called his breeder and asked if she'd ever seen this before. His pedigree is awesome and so is the breeder so this was strange.
We know his sire is "slower" and matured slower but never did this so we were all stumped.
I am taking him to the vet to see if there is some physical issue. Who knows maybe with tussling bucks something happened and :hu:hu:hu

Of course this was very distressing because Ruby is 7 now and getting older. This was our last chance ( possibly one more heat but maybe not) for the season.
I didn't want to have to breed her for mini's.
The breeders of the buck are really kind people. She was gracious enough to offer a breeding to one of her bucks so we could breed Ruby this year while we figure out Olaf.
I just cannot even explain what this meant to us.
I woke up so sick this morning (whatever plague is going around- I caught) so I did not go. Sadly I also missed the once a year big hockey tournament my son plays.
DH drove with GW an hour and a half for this date! LATE too , but they were so gracious and said come on down.

It was even a greater blessing - they chose a buck unrelated so that Olaf (once everything gets checked out) can be bred to the future offspring.
They had the buck shipped in from the West Coast and he has a gorgeous pedigree.
The breeder looked at the pedigrees and I trust between her knowledge of Nubians and the lines she would do a great match up. She is very familiar with Ruby's lines.
We asked her if we should take Ruby in the ring one last time... she loves to prance and set herself up... just for the fun of it-
We got a great big absolutely! We just think Ruby deserves one last time.
Yes, I am concerned over our Baby boy Olaf but if for some reason there is something really wrong we will wether him and he will be our pet. We adore Olaf.
Maybe he is just not mature enough. :hu

So grateful. I am so excited about Ruby babies!:celebrate:celebrate:celebrate
Apparently Ruby loved him :love :lol::lol::lol: and he loved her! ;)

It puts Ruby due May 31st so I will miss the Rocky Mt Fair. But so worth it to have Ruby babies!

Despite the nasty cold I have and missing the hockey tournament it turned out to be a great day!

I will say my Dh.... I think the older we get and the longer we are married ... :hugs
He worked in the rain yesterday and all day today putting up the panels on the barn. It was just about to get dark when I was on the phone.
I looked at him and said what was happening with Ruby and as exhausted as he was, tired, and hungry... he got the van ready GW grabbed Ruby and he trekked all the way to the breeders to get Ruby bred. They didn't get home til 10pm. or so... very thankful to grow old together.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
:thumbsup to DH!

Sometimes our loved ones don't understand how much we REALLY appreciate the support they are to us .... May they always just love us enough to give us gifts of fence panels, goat troughs and time and muscle, even if they totally don't believe that it IS what we want, and someday, may they have a passion we can support them in even when we don't really get it..... just so we can "pay them back" for all the help and favors!:love:old

Goat Whisperer

Herd Master
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
North Carolina
It's gonna get COLD here over the weekend :hit

One day the high will be in the 20s with a a low of 5 degrees :( (or 8, keep changing it)
Supposed to get snow too.

So glad we aren't kidding yet.
I foresee lots of hauling of the hot water in the near future :cool:

Gonna need to order some straw tomorrow.
One of our feed stores call every Thursday and deliver Friday morning. Great timing :D

Irritated with the lamancha buck right now :he 'learning him some serious manners.
He has been so bad the last week or so.

@OneFineAcre I think your piggies will really appreciate having shelter :)

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
We were miserable all day mucking out the shelters and it was only in the 30's. I don't do well in cold but we have it for the next week down in the 20's. But that is why we put a sink on our porch addition so we have hot water without going in the house.

I would not like New Hampshire either. :)

NH homesteader

Herd Master
Jul 9, 2016
Reaction score
New Hampshire
I'm scared to check the weather forecast. If you are all getting that weather... How bad is it going to be up here?

Edit: actually not too bad.. Other than a - 3 Sunday night we have about the same forecast as you.
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Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
It has even been cold in CA, but not THAT cold, just cold for us. Highs have been in the 40's and lows in the 30's. I don't mind that low but dang it, warm up a little more during the day. NOAA predicted that we were going to have a warm winter...I'm waiting...:p