Goat Whisperer's & SBC's kidding thread: kidding storm

Goat Whisperer

Herd Master
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
North Carolina

Millie is doing okay. She is up and eating, but kinda "spacey" and still stumbles a bit.
She L-O-V-E-S the propylene glycol! She sucks it right out of the syringe. She isn't a huge fan of the CMPK though. She is eating well, I started adding some real nice alfalfa for her to eat ($17 per bale :ep)
She's had ~1.5 flakes today along with orchard grass hay. She's drinking well too.

The vet went ahead and pulled some blood to check her levels, but thinks we caught it in time. Going to give her some Calf Manna and will be drenching with probiotics. The vet confirmed everything I was thinking- so I'm happy about that so we are all on the same page. Vet agrees and think Mills is going to have at least 2 kids.

I'll continue to give 20cc of the PG AM & PM.

We may have to induce labor, just taking it day by day at this point. If we induce, the plan is to have her kid in day 142 or 143. Millie always kids on day 145 so we think the kids will be okay.
We still have to be very careful after kidding, Mills is a "milk cow" and pours everything into the milk bucket- this could be very dangerous for her, we will need to monitor extremely closely.
The ketone test strip looked pretty good tonight, so gave a lower dose of the PG because she was begging for some. Millie doesn't do this unless she really needs something, so I'm going with it.
I'm trying to keep he with the herd, don't want to stress her by removing her.
She seems happiest that way.

Goat Whisperer

Herd Master
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
North Carolina
She seems to be doing very well today! After I gave her another dose of CMPK & PG she really seemed to perk up more and is walking better! When I went out this afternoon she was the first goat to greet me, begging for more PG. :lol:

Goat Whisperer

Herd Master
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
North Carolina

Just went out and dosed her again, she is still looking good and ate the whole flake of alfalfa I have to her. If she continues to hold steady I don't think we'll induce her :fl

Ruth & Lucy are due this weekend! Day 145 is Saturday. They are looking big and are clearly "hollowing out". I'll put them in the stall tomorrow.

Speaking of stalls, I put of 2 more 5x5 kidding pens up today and hung some more lights. Getting so excited to have babies!
I now have all the kidding supplies too. I was going through everything and for some reason I can't find the weak kid syringe anywhere. It's never even been used, how the heck did it disappear? :idunno

Oh, I'm also going to be caring for a "neighbors" farm this weekend too, figures that'd happen during kidding time :lol: The farm is only 8 miles away and the does aren't in milk so it shouldn't take long. Hopefully Ruth & Lucy will be good girls and kid while I'm here. I know SBC can handle it, I just like being around :)

Here are a few pics of the girls due:



Goat Whisperer

Herd Master
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
North Carolina
Lucy may or may not be in labor. Breathing hard and moaning, pawing, up down, and her udder was larger this AM. Went to move her to a stall and she DID NOT want to budge!

A friend drove past the farm earlier today and texted that Lucy's udder was huge :lol:
Gotta love goat folks!

@OneFineAcre prepare yourself for about a million pics, texts, and calls! These are Isaacs kids!