Very Bizarre birth!
As you can see GW posted at 7:30 last night that we had some amber goo.
It was amber but not the big thick 1/2-3/4 rope.
It was slowly leaking out. This went on for hours. I didn't do a sweep because she was not i pushing stage and she was eating, chewing cud, relaxed.
She was however constantly "re-positioning" those kids. Stretch, climb stretch, lay down.
10:45 pm we went back in and just watched on camera. We were soooo tired.
More of the same.
Then right at midnight she laid down and decided to really push. GW threw on her boots when she saw Ruth give 3 hard pushes, as she flew out the door I was putting on my boots right behind her.
She had (GW) jumped in the stall when I was 25 feet from the barn and I could see her ... she was there just in time to pull the kid up! There was no bubble before- it came after.
Kid - buck was DOA. White with gold brown spots all over! Pretty. Completely fluid filled, and a meconium birth. We had no time as she was having another.
Second kid- meconium as well and a LOT of fluid... Gw suctioned and rubbed like crazy, she had to make it! Doe
Third kid coming- easy no meconium, strong and no fluid. WILD! LOL
I got the third one cleaned but had to help with number two and Lil Boy found momma! Ruth cleaned him and cleaned him while we took care of number two.
Buck #1-DOA 2 lbs
Doe #2- 3 lbs 11 oz
Buck #3- 3 lbs 9 oz
Took the kids in and did cords, weighed them and put them in a crate and got Ruth to milk her.
Milked her out watched as afterbirth passed then in to feed the kids.
NOTE! This is why we try to remind everyone to squirt a stream to make sure kids can get colostrum out! Even though the little boy found momma he was getting nothing out. When we milked Ruth it was super thick like GLUE!
Took awhile to get them on the bottle! GW is good!!!!!!!!!!!!! at 2:47 am we crashed on the couches in the family room.
GW got back up and fed more at 4:30 am and then again at 6 am and I got up at 7ish.
We milked again took care of he animals came in and fed and went back to sleep!
GW is caring for animals on another farm, yesterday she arrived to a surprise kid and a few others looked like they may go so she set up stalls etc. She just left for the other farm.
I sure hope Lucy does NOT go today.
Never had a goat kid after midnight.
Beautiful kids... we may do a shared parenting with Ruth.
Ruth needs to drink more she really needs to make some milk! Not sure what is going on there.