Goat Whisperer's & SBC's kidding thread: kidding storm

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Wanted to give an update-
Lucy kidded with triplets yesterday!
Pics coming soon.

Crazy 3rd kid delivery. Thankfully my vet taught us 2 years ago how to best deal with certain situations. We used his technique last year and so far this year.
I can honestly tell you after getting that 3rd one out and she took a breath I just teared up and said "Thank You Lord!"

1st kid- buck 2lbs 8 oz
2nd kid- buck 3 lbs 1 oz
3rd kid- doe 2lbs 13 oz

I will share more later... EVERYONE has the FLU (type A)! :barnie
NC is having a full blown outbreak. ER's are filled. They are telling everyone to go to primary dr.
They are also running out of the medicine. 20 deaths reported so far.

Another due at 145 in 2 days then 2 more on the weekend and then the following weekend. Looks like we will be doing a good deal of dam raising this year. Just not possible right now to pull and bottle feed and milk!


Herd Master
May 7, 2013
Reaction score
Boooo on the flu! Never happens at a convenient time. Hope ya'll kick it soon and get back to happier goating!

Congrats on the kids and hope to hear more details on the kidding complication soon.


True BYH Addict
Jul 8, 2013
Reaction score
North Carolina
Congrats on the triplets! And yes, the flu is going around horribly here in NC this year! Hope ya'll get to feeling better, take it easy (as much as possibly) the flu is not a joke! :hugs

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Long day so far!

So I put the two boys out with Lucy last night... the girl took to the bottle so easy we kept her inside... I had a pint of colostrum so I figured I had enough for a little while. This doe is a PIGGY!
Watched on the camera and the boys took to nursing and were happy little campers. The first one seems just a little more delicate. The other boy and the doe are live wires.

Long night, long morning.
Giving meds, feeding people, running laundry and taking care of dogs and a bottle baby!
The flu seems to have already hit me and I didn't know it... fortunately I am doing ok but it settled in my spine and hip. Yes, my hip... this am it was painful to walk. I really feel like a very old person. Everyone is back to sleeping. The place is a wreck, something I will never understand... how does that happen when everyone is sick?

GW seems better and was able to get out this morning. Woo Hoo! She got to see the kids real good!

Tried to put the doe with Lucy- Lucy is like whatttttttttttttt?????????????? "Where did IT come from? IT is not mine"
Oh well I can do one BB! :D

So the third birth- One leg comes out
Not hoof, Not ankle... WHOLE LEG!
Great. NOT
I try to feel meanwhile Lucy is pushing and I don't want her to.
Tell my son we have to lift butt in air!
I wedge my leg under lucy butt in air (hers not mine ;)) My son braces her and Lucy's front is down. We are using gravity here!
That gravity is helping the kid slide back in, Lucy is pushing opposite to push kid out.
I had regular gloves on not the arm glove... Dumpde about 4-6 oz or more of lube in may hand.
Go in, my wrist is in and I am feeling head position.
My mind is saying "head is not in right place"
Of course I know this but it is like when your brain is fixed and you have to move quick and the brain is stuck.
I finally said to myself, "I know the head is in the wrong place, I need to find where and how and move it"
I took a deep breathe calmed myself and with that hand and my eyes closed, felt. I could feel the dome, the neck... feeling for nose and mouth.
Down and twisted back.
Meanwhile Lucy is PUSHING
I PUSHED the kid back in deep- not quite to me elbow... took the head and turned it to right position, after in the right place as Lucy pushed I took my hand out and here comes the head and the one leg. The other leg was under (that was not my concern).
When she came out I didn't know if she would be dead or alive. Then she took a breath! Praise God!

I called my vet that had taught me this and thanked him once again.
I told he could laugh but I did cry afterwards when she took that breath!
He didn't laugh, his voice changed and was tender... said, " I completely understand!" " Sometimes it works out and it is a great feeling, sometimes it doesn't and well, I understand."

Hopefully I walked through this and it may help another. I might want to show pics of the in the air thing.

Here are the new babes! Best I can do this morn! I have not cleaned it yet this morn :hide

Brown 1st buck Black buck


Looks like his daddy!

Doe and buck

All 3


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
So glad that all made it thru...even you!....sorry about all the illness there. It sure makes it difficult to focus on anything else, but your quick action certainly saved that little one. It had to make ya feel much better....even for just a little while. Beautiful babies!...:thumbsup

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